Searching For Ghosts: The Case Of Nancy Lynn Blankenship
Searching For Ghosts: The Case Of Nancy Lynn Blankenship
Brandon Barnett/Left Of Nashville Podcast Network
Searching For Ghosts: The Case Of Nancy Lynn Blankenship
Brandon Barnett/Left Of Nashville Podcast Network
Fourteen year-old Cayce Lynn McDaniel returned to her family's home in Milan, Tennessee at approximately 12:30 a.m. on August 16, 1996 after a church party. A chaperone dropped her off and watched her go into the house. Other family members arrived at their residence at approximately 1:30 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. and discovered that the TV in Cayce’s bedroom was on, a bowl of cereal was left on the kitchen table and the back door was open. There was no sign of McDaniel inside the house and she has never been heard from again. This is a podcast that is trying to answer the question: What happened to Cayce Lynn McDaniel?
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August 15, 2022
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