Rolling With Rainbows Podcast

Rolling With Rainbows

Rolling With Rainbows
An actual play TTRPG podcast released in limited miniseries in which Sophie (@Sophie_frm_Mars) and Jess (@thatJessVideos) are joined by various guests to try out different tabletop systems old, new, classic, indie and more. In Season 1: Sophie runs a campaign of Call of Cthulhu played by Jess, Natalie (@snorenat) and Jo (@winterymute) set in a fictionalised version of Narragansett, Rhode Island.
The Horror At Narragansett, Episode 23: The Stranger In The Swamp
cw spiders In this episode, A new character is introduced, and Celia (Jo, @winterymute, she/they), Felicity (Nat, @snorenat, she/they) and Octavia (Jess @thatJessVideos, she/they) struggle through a swamp somewhere in Rhode Island. Shout out to TwoRabbit for the consulting work they did on this arc The Horror at Narragansett is an original Call of Cthulhu campaign by Sophia McAllister (they/she, @sophie_frm_mars) Support The Show: Sophie's patreon (early podcast episodes)  Jess' patreon (youtube episodes)  RWR Discord Community Music by Molly Noise: Molly's links Sophie: Sophie's YouTube Jess: Jess' YouTube Nat: Nat's YouTube Show, Next Slide Please Jo: Jo's TTRPG page  
Jan 5, 2022
1 hr 42 min
The Horror At Narragansett, Episode 22: My Land
In this episode, everything comes to a head as Arch tries to take control of the buried one, Serena (Jo, @winterymute, she/they) is separated from the group, Felicity (Nat, @snorenat, she/they) does some magic, and Octavia (Jess @thatJessVideos, she/they) finds that she can't protect everyone. The Horror at Narragansett is an original Call of Cthulhu campaign by Sophia McAllister (they/she, @sophie_frm_mars) Support The Show: Sophie's patreon (early podcast episodes)  Jess' patreon (youtube episodes)  RWR Discord Community Music by Molly Noise: Molly's links Sophie: Sophie's YouTube Jess: Jess' YouTube Nat: Nat's YouTube Show, Next Slide Please Jo: Jo's TTRPG page  
Dec 15, 2021
1 hr 54 min
The Horror At Narragansett, Episode 21: Check Your Reflection
In this episode, Octavia (Jess @thatJessVideos, she/they), Felicity (Nat, @snorenat, she/they) and Serena (Jo, @winterymute, she/they) frantically prepare for the Others to arrive in Raphael. The Horror at Narragansett is an original Call of Cthulhu campaign by Sophia McAllister (they/she, @sophie_frm_mars) Support The Show: Sophie's patreon (early podcast episodes)  Jess' patreon (youtube episodes)  RWR Discord Community Music by Molly Noise: Molly's links Sophie: Sophie's YouTube Jess: Jess' YouTube Nat: Nat's YouTube Show, Next Slide Please Jo: Jo's TTRPG page  
Dec 8, 2021
1 hr 32 min
Christmas With Rainbows: A Night City Christmas Carol
This Christmas we're plaing Cyberpunk Red as Austin Yorski and Laura Kate Dale join regulars Sophie, Jess, and Jo. On this adventure, four Netrunners from Night City try to hack into Elon Musk's neuro-cyber-implantsto convince him to understand the true meaning of christmas: communism. Music by Molly Noise and Patricia Taxxon. Guests: Austin Yorski Laura Kate Dale Sophie From Mars (also early RWR episodes) That Jess Jo (Winterymute)
Dec 2, 2021
3 hr 25 min
The Horror At Narragansett, Episode 20: I Was Using Simile
In this episode, Octavia (Jess @thatJessVideos, she/they), Felicity (Nat, @snorenat, she/they) and Serena (Jo, @winterymute, she/they) get some answers, but a lot more questions. The Horror at Narragansett is an original Call of Cthulhu campaign by Sophia McAllister (they/she, @sophie_frm_mars) Support The Show: Sophie's patreon (early podcast episodes)  Jess' patreon (youtube episodes)  RWR Discord Community Music by Molly Noise: Molly's links Sophie: Sophie's YouTube Jess: Jess' YouTube Nat: Nat's YouTube Show, Next Slide Please Jo: Jo's TTRPG page  
Dec 1, 2021
1 hr 31 min
The Horror At Narragansett, Episode 19: The Ring
In this episode, Octavia (Jess @thatJessVideos, she/they) pushes a button, Felicity (Nat, @snorenat, she/they) sees a really big fairy and tensions continue to rise between Serena (Jo, @winterymute, she/they) and Arch. The Horror at Narragansett is an original Call of Cthulhu campaign by Eric Sophia McAllister (they/she, @sophie_frm_mars) Support The Show: Sophie's patreon (early podcast episodes)  Jess' patreon (youtube episodes)  RWR Discord Community Music by Molly Noise: Molly's links Sophie: Sophie's YouTube Jess: Jess' YouTube Nat: Nat's YouTube Show, Next Slide Please Jo: Jo's TTRPG page  
Nov 24, 2021
1 hr 37 min
The Horror At Narragansett, Episode 18: Three Women Walk Into a Bar
In this episode, Octavia (Jess @thatJessVideos, she/they) gets in the middle of things, and Felicity (Nat, @snorenat, she/they) and Serena (Jo, @winterymute, she/they) come into conflict with Arch. The Horror at Narragansett is an original Call of Cthulhu campaign by Eric Sophia McAllister (they/she, @sophie_frm_mars) Support The Show: Sophie's patreon (early podcast episodes)  Jess' patreon (youtube episodes)  RWR Discord Community Music by Molly Noise: Molly's links Sophie: Sophie's YouTube Jess: Jess' YouTube Nat: Nat's YouTube Show, Next Slide Please Jo: Jo's TTRPG page  
Nov 17, 2021
1 hr 51 min
The Horror At Narragansett, Episode 17: And I Thought My Sanity Was Bad
In this episode, Octavia (Jess @thatJessVideos, she/they) learns a little about how the world works, Felicity (Nat, @snorenat, she/they) touches another button, and Serena (Jo, @winterymute, she/they) has seen enough. The Horror at Narragansett is an original Call of Cthulhu campaign by Eric Sophia McAllister (they/she, @theymersophie) Support The Show: Sophie's patreon (early podcast episodes)  Jess' patreon (youtube episodes)  RWR Discord Community Music by Molly Noise: Molly's links Sophie: Sophie's YouTube Jess: Jess' YouTube Nat: Nat's YouTube Show, Next Slide Please Jo: Jo's TTRPG page  
Nov 10, 2021
1 hr 47 min
The Horror At Narragansett, Episode 16: An Unblinking, Bisected Eye
In this episode, Octavia (Jess @thatJessVideos, she/they) learns a little about how the world works, Felicity (Nat, @snorenat, she/they) touches another button, and Serena (Jo, @winterymute, she/they) has seen enough. The Horror at Narragansett is an original Call of Cthulhu campaign by Eric Sophia McAllister (they/she, @theymersophie) Support The Show: Sophie's patreon (early podcast episodes)  Jess' patreon (youtube episodes)  RWR Discord Community Music by Molly Noise: Molly's links Sophie: Sophie's YouTube Jess: Jess' YouTube Nat: Nat's YouTube Show, Next Slide Please Jo: Jo's TTRPG page  
Nov 3, 2021
1 hr 30 min
Halloween Special 2021: Vampires Suck (At Shopping) ft Mothcub
Rolling with Rainbows links: Sophie's Patreon (early podcast episodes) RWR youtube series RWR discord Jo: Twitter (@winterymute) TTRPGs ( Nat: Twitter (@snorenat) Next Slide Please Lilly: Twitter (@cubmoth) Youtube (Mothcub) Vampires Suck (At Shopping): Itch page
Oct 31, 2021
2 hr 1 min
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