ReimaginePR Podcasts Podcast
ReimaginePR Podcasts
Susan McLennan PR and Content Marketing Strategy
Podcast 001: Adele Revella - episode of ReimaginePR Podcasts podcast

Podcast 001: Adele Revella

26 minutes Posted Apr 20, 2024 at 8:23 pm.
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podcast arevella1Adele Revella is the CEO of the Buyer Persona Institute and helps marketers understand the real decisions that influence buyer decisions.

Over time, she came to understand how fundamental the buyer persona is to absolutely every piece of marketing. She also came to realize that most companies were including too much frivolous information that threatens their value and results in too many buyer personas.

Through buyer persona research, workshops, and consultation, Buyer Persona Institute helps marketers cut through the clutter and understand the real decisions that influence their buyers’ decisions.

It’s worth checking out The Buyer Institute’s Slideshare channel as well, which is brimming with really useful information.

In this podcast, you’ll learn what makes a good persona and how that differs from a profile, what many people mistakenly build instead of a persona.

This podcast is particularly geared for businesses whose customers have a high level of consideration when making a buying decision, in other words, pricey enough such that days, weeks or even years go into deciding on a product, service or offering. She will give you insights into building a great persona that will help you market more effectively to your target audience.

Read the transcript here!

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