Quality & You Podcast

Quality & You

Kait Boytek
The self-love podcast. Learn to build inner quality through self love and self development techniques. It’s not about obtaining external labels and qualities- it’s about quality and you.
Compromise + Splitting Energy + Purpose
Join Doug White & I as we share insight on how to stop compromising & allow flow, letting your inner being guide you. Taking the discussion further into splitting energy & purpose, breaking these topics down to the foundation, so that you're able to maximize your inner awareness by releasing out-of-balance things and learn how to stay in the direction of the best path for you without allowing things to stagnate your self-growth. So much beneficial information.We hope this helps you in your journey!Much Light & Love.CONNECT WITH DOUG:https://www.instagram.com/mindfulvibinhttps://www.instagram.com/douglasbryantwhiteCONNECT WITH KAIT:https://www.instagram.com/kboytekhttps://www.facebook.com/[email protected]: podcast-1-1611033408153.showit.site/Music: www.audiolibrary.comFIND US ONSpotifyApple PodcastAmazon StitcherIHeart& all other major podcast platformsBook Information:"Growing Spiritually with Schedules, Spouses, Toddlers, & Pre-Teens"(An Unfiltered Guide For The Busy Mom Life)Written By: K. Boytekhttps://www.target.com/p/growing-spiritually-with-schedules-spouses-toddlers-and-pre-teens-by-k-boytek-hardcover/-/A-83293586#sametabALSO AVAILABLE @AMAZONBARNES & NOBLEBOOKSAMILLIONWALMART
May 31, 2021
41 min
Law of Attraction with Doug White
Understanding the foundation of the law of attraction is essential in your life, with so much information out there it can be easily misunderstood, Doug has joined us to break down the basis of emotion and thought connected to this universal law. He also provides explanations on why aligning your emotions is key.CONNECT WITH DOUG:https://www.instagram.com/mindfulvibinCONNECT WITH KAIT:https://www.facebook.com/kaitboytekhttps://www.instagram.com/[email protected]: podcast-1-1611033408153.showit.site/
May 30, 2021
52 min
Ripples & Echoes
Ripples and Echoes are amazingly important components in your spiritual journey. Not only to understand them, but to allow different techniques to help you in maintaining the most beneficial energy for you and those around you in each moment. Much Light & Love.Connect with Kait:https://www.instagram.com/kboytekhttps://www.facebook.com/kaitboytekqualityandyou@yahoo.comBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERSPOTIFYAPPLEAMAZON& ALL OTHER MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS
Apr 20, 2021
43 min
Preserving Joy Through Hardship with Vivian Short
Guest Vivian ShortOwner of Vivian Short PhotographyJoin Vivian and I as we discuss how she's been able to preserve her natural state of happiness throughout many different hardships she faced in her life, from middle school bullying to anxiety and insecurities, she openly shares her process of how she kept joy in her heart and a smile on her face -Learning not only how to remain happy, but to live a life she loves.Connect with Vivian:https://www.instagram.com/vivianshort...​https://www.facebook.com/vivianshortp...​https://sessionl.ink/vivianshortphoto...​[email protected] with Kait:https://www.instagram.com/kboytek​https://www.facebook.com/kaitboytek​[email protected]
Apr 6, 2021
43 min
Negative Dips & How To Deal with Doug White
Join Doug & I as we tackle the topic of negative emotional dips. Discussing ways to respond and how to find balance when faced with - out of alignment - situations. Guest: Doug WhiteConnect with Doug:https://www.instagram.com/mindfulvibin​Listen Here: Mindful Vibin' @ mindfulvibin.buzzsprout.comConnect with Kait.https://www.facebook.com/kaitboytek​https://www.instagram.com/kboytek​[email protected]
Apr 2, 2021
50 min
Emotional Awareness with Doug White
Diving into Emotional Awareness with Doug White!Doug White is the former pitching coach and director of pitching for the Los Angeles Angels. Prior to that he was the assistant pitching coach for the Houston Astros while also spending time as their pitching coordinator.White’s career has spanned 17 years across 4 organizations leading pitching development and managing infrastructure changes along the way.White won 4 championships in his last 6 years as a minor league pitching coach while also being a part of two world series championship organizations.Most recently White has taken his expertise as a coach and combined it with his passion for personal growth. His understanding and explanation of emotions and the guidance they bring allows each person he works with to harness their individual power to deliberately create their own life.White has also teamed up with his sister, Dr. Jen Huberty, to create Mindful Vibin, a podcast focused on emotional awareness and behavioral change.In his free time you will find White surfing the coast of San Diego, reading and writing in the neighborhood cafes, or meditating at his home.Check out Doug’s podcast - @mindfulvibin - be sure to like, subscribe, & share. They have wonderful emotional awareness content you won’t want to miss!Connect With Doug:https://www.instagram.com/mindfulvibin/LIsten Here : Mindful Vibin' @ mindfulvibin.buzzsprout.comConnect With Kait:https://www.facebook.com/kaitboytekhttps://www.instagram.com/kboytekpodcast-1-1611033408153.showit.sitequalityandyou@yahoo.com
Mar 26, 2021
51 min
Rediscovering Self Worth
Suki Chan, a Self-Love Coach from Canada.Suki helps women activate their self-worth and break free from limiting beliefs, so they can love, accept and take care of themselves everyday without guilt.CONNECT WITH SUKIIG  @sukiykc You can also find Suki’s free “My Self-Love” audit, designed to help you gain clarity on how your self-love habits currently serve you, here: bit.ly/myselfloveauditCONNECT WITH KAIThttps://www.instagram.com/qualityandyoupodhttps://www.facebook.com/[email protected]
Mar 12, 2021
31 min
Why Do We Need To Love?
Why do we need to love?Defining true love -You Must Surrender.For you see, self love's true nature is to expand your nature from love of oneself to love for all.
Mar 4, 2021
9 min
Picking Your Emotions & Finding Joy
Joy. Happiness. The motivational fuel of the soul.Everyone is in search for this one thing, this one emotion. Grant you, it's not the only thing we long for, but it is definitely among our top priorities - to feel happy.We, as a race, seek it in many different forms. From worship to addiction, everyone is a seeker of joy.In this podcast episode we share a technique with you on how to feel positive emotions in their truest form, beyond the physical attachments we've attached to them.
Feb 17, 2021
17 min
Why Forgiveness?...
Join me and guest Jennifer Smith as we break down forgiveness to its basics and she sums up her 25+ year self awakening journey with forgiveness and lays out a "how to" guide, so that we can grab, go & grow.http://www.facebook.com/kaitboytekhttp://www.instagram.com/kboytek
Feb 14, 2021
27 min
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