Pete the Vet's Podcast Podcast

Pete the Vet's Podcast

Pete Wedderburn
I am a veterinary surgeon with a passion for communicating my love of my work through writing, radio, television and the internet. My mission is to use the media to act as an advocate on behalf of animals. I am a partner in a busy 4 vet practice in Bray, Co Wicklow, Ireland, but I spend 50% of my working week on media work. I've been broadcasting a weekly "vet spot" on my local radio station, East Coast FM, for the past fifteen years, and I'm delighted, through Soundcloud, to now make this weekly animal-related discussion available globally as a podcast.
Podcast: how to deal with the aftermath of dog attacks on children
In the wake of the dreadful attack on a child in Wexford this week, here's a discussion about how we handle dog attacks in Irish society, and how, perhaps, we could do this better.
Nov 30, 2022
8 min
The live animal crib debate, plus do animals dream?
In this week's 15 minute podcast, after an initial chat about phones (a shared interest of myself and Declan Meehan, the interviewer), we discussed the recent debate about a live animal crib in Dublin city centre, and we went on to talk about animals dreaming.
Nov 3, 2022
15 min
Podcast: Halloween tips to keep pets happy and safe
In this interview from Spirit Radio, I discuss issues for pets at this time of year, including how to keep them calm and relaxed when there are fireworks going off outside.
Oct 29, 2022
6 min
Vegan or insect-based dog food as an alternative to meat
This week's podcast discusses feeding vegetarian or vegan food to pets, as well as using insect-based pet food as an alternative to meat-based pet food as an environmentally-friendly and animal-welfare friendly option.
Oct 17, 2022
11 min
Podcast: International Dog Day and Pups in the Park
In this week's podcast, we highlight the fact that today is International Dog Day, and discuss the plight of dogs in Ireland in 2022. We also highly the upcoming dog festival, Pups In The Park, that is happening on the weekend of September 10th and 11th in Marlay Park, Dublin.
Aug 26, 2022
6 min
Nutritional supplements: does your pet really need something extra?
Nutritional supplements are given to around 20% of pets every day. But are they really necessary? Listen to this ten minute podcast to find out more.
Aug 17, 2022
7 min
Podcast: helping dogs cope in the heat (plus how small dogs make men more appealing)
This week's podcast starts with a light piece about some recent research which shows that a man is more appealing to women if he is accompanied by a small dog. Then we discuss a more serious topic: helping dogs stay comfortable in the recent hot sunshine.
Aug 11, 2022
10 min
Parvovirus - an ongoing threat to unvaccinated dogs
After a new outbreak of Parvovirus in the Dublin area, dog owners have been warned to keep their pets up to date with their vaccinations to ensure that they stay safe. To learn more about this, listen to the podcast.
Jul 26, 2022
5 min
Surge in dog bite compensation claims in Ireland
If a dog bites a person, the dog's owner is usually legally liable for damages, and sometimes they may be covered for this by insurance (either pet insurance or home insurance). But why do dogs bite in the first place? And what can be done to prevent dog bites? Listen in to find out.
Jul 7, 2022
8 min
Helping pets cope with the summer heat
This week, Pete discusses the common summer problem of heatstroke in pets: how can it be prevented, and what to do if your pet is affected?
Jun 20, 2022
5 min
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