NN/g UX Podcast
NN/g UX Podcast
Nielsen Norman Group
via Podcasts
NFTs are the future
This was my first episode and it really does not age well.
Love it BUT!!!!
I really enjoyed this episode and got a lot out of it BUT the way they speak about salary is INCREDIBLY privileged. Being able to look beyond salary is a privilege many folks do. Not. Have. Especially right now!!! Many career switchers are likely uprooting their lives due not only to frustration but because they’re in pursuit of a better future for themselves. It does those who are careens switching a disservice to speak about salary in such abstract terms as if it’s something we’re “fixating on unnecessarily” and not because money isn’t equal to SURVIVAL in our country right now. Money (or lack of it) costs people DEARLY and it’s hurtful to speak about it like it’s some kind of perk.
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On point
In the episode, “Sarah Doody, UX Researcher, Experience Designer, and Founder of the Career Strategy Lab, shares her thoughts on how UX professionals can design their ideal careers, whether they’re in the market for a new role or not.” She was so on point! Love it. I maybe a great communicator, but not always about myself!
Super helpful
Not only can learn the cutting-edge trend about the UX, but also can learn some interview skill.
Therese is amazing. So smart, talented.
Valuable takeaways every time 🧠
UX industry, meet your new favorite podcast! Therese has created an incredible resource for you with NN/g UX. Hear from industry experts as they discuss challenges, present solutions, and share their insights into what’s next!
As someone who’s been working on my career switch to UX for a couple of years, I was delighted to hear this program’s honest but encouraging tone. In the “UX Career Pathways” ep, they spoke about the need to cultivate more UX talent, not lock people out! They specifically emphasized that “gatekeeper” types should be helping more junior practitioners grow, and the legitimacy of many different backgrounds. Happy to keep learning and growing with the help of NNg! Excellent podcast.
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Love it!
This is my favorite UX podcast, topics discussed here have helped me in interviews, so thank you! Lol I would love if episodes went out more often, doesn’t have to be interviews if that’s too much to set up weekly, could even just discuss interesting articles that are published.
Excellent podcast
More episodes please. Can’t get enough of it.
A podcast I am looking forward to
This is the first of many I would love to see come from NN/g. Jacob was a great first podcast! Keep em coming!
Can't wait for more episodes!