NN/g UX Podcast
NN/g UX Podcast
Nielsen Norman Group
The Nielsen Norman Group (NNg) UX Podcast is a podcast on user experience research, design, strategy, and professions, hosted by Senior User Experience Specialist Therese Fessenden. Join us every month as she interviews industry experts, covering common questions, hot takes on pressing UX topics, and tips for building truly great user experiences. For free UX resources, references, and information on UX Certification opportunities, go to: www.nngroup.com
38. User Interviews (feat. Steve Portigal, Research Consultant and Author)
In this episode, we dive into User Interviews with Steve Portigal, discussing their critical role in product development and design research. User interviews, a qualitative method, involve conversations with users to gather insights about their experiences, behaviors, and needs. We discuss the benefits of this approach, such as deep user empathy and informed decision making, alongside common challenges like bias and recruitment. Join us in understanding when to use user interviews and how to get the most out of them. NN/g Articles & Training Courses User Interviews (full-day/2 half-day UXC course) User Interviews 101 (free article) The 3 Types of User Interviews: Structured, Semi-Structured, and Unstructured (free video) When to Use Which User-Experience Research Methods (free article) 5 Facilitation Mistakes to Avoid During User Interviews (free article) ⁠Learn more about Steve Portigal Interviewing Users (2nd Edition)  20% discount code: interviewing
Apr 11
45 min
Bonus Episode: Design’s Role as AI Expands (Feat. Don Norman and Sarah Gibbons, VP at NN/g)
AI is changing faster than we can sometimes process and will likely do so for a while. The recent tech layoffs have also not spared UX professionals, adding to the uncertainty about our future roles in this rapidly changing environment. While there is still much we don't know about AI, Don Norman, co-founder of NN/g, and Sarah Gibbons, VP at NN/g, share their insights on the future roles of designers, encouraging professionals to think big in the wake of AI's advancements. Related NN/g Articles & Training Courses Generative UI and Outcome-Oriented Design AI as a UX Assistant The 4 Degrees of Anthropomorphism of Generative AI AI Chat Is Not (Always) the Answer AI-Powered Tools for UX Research: Issues and Limitations Prompt Structure in Conversations with Generative AI Sycophancy in Generative-AI Chatbots  New Course: Practical AI for UX Professionals Other Related Content ⁠Don Norman’s Website⁠ Chapters 0:00-1:12 - Intro 1:13-18:18 - What will design’s role be as AI expands? 18:18-23:15 - What is going to stay the same as AI expands? 23:16-end - Rapid Fire Questions 
Mar 28
33 min
37. XR: Improving Learning Outcomes
Extended reality (XR) experiences hold the potential to transform the way we learn, work, and collaborate. Specifically, it can make educational experiences more interactive, engaging and ultimately drive higher learning outcomes. In this episode, we feature Jan Plass, who discusses the affordances of XR technology, provides examples of XR learning experiences and shares his expectations for its impact on the education landscape. Jan Plass is a Professor at New York University, Paulette Goddard Chair, and Director of CREATE. Learn more about Jan Plass: CREATE Lab Looking Inside Cells On the Morning You Wake Verizon AR/VR Learning Apps (i.e. Visceral Science, Mapper's Delight, UNSUNG, Looking Inside Cells etc.) NN/g ARTICLES & TRAINING COURSES Augmented/Virtual Reality vs. Computer Screens 10 Usability Heuristics Applied to Virtual Reality Virtual Reality and User Experience Emerging Patterns in Interface Design ⁠ (full-day/2 half-day UXC course) The Design of Everyday Things CHAPTERS: 0:00-3:13 - Intro 3:13-5:35 - What is XR? 5:35-8:54 - XR as a Learning Opportunity 8:54-12:19 - Examples of XR for learning 12:19-15:30 - Evidence of Learning with VR Technology 15:30-18.51 - Can VR features Induce Emotions and Result in Better Learning Outcomes? 18:51-23.45 - Comparing UX in 2D and 3D spaces? 23:45-27:41 - Accessibility and Inclusivity in XR 27:41 - XR Development: The Role of Affordances
Mar 1
32 min
36. AI & UX: Innovations, Challenges, and Impact
The surge of AI is currently changing the way we work and live. To avoid feeling left behind, it is important to engage with and understand these tools. This is true for UX designers just as much as almost everybody else. In this episode, we feature Henry Modisett from Perplexity AI and Kate Moran to get two insightful perspectives on the current state of AI and its connection to UX. Learn more about Henry Modisett Learn more about Kate Moran Perplexity.AI NN/g ARTICLES & TRAINING COURSES AI for UX: Getting Started (free article) AI & Machine Learning Will Change UX Research & Design (free video) AI Improves Employee Productivity by 66% (free article) AI-Powered Tools for UX Research: Issues and Limitations (free article) AI: First New UI Paradigm in 60 Years (free article) Sycophancy in Generative-AI Chatbots (free article) Information Foraging with Generative AI: A Study of 3 Chatbots (free article) The ELIZA Effect: Why We Love AI (free article) Practical AI for UX Professionals (full-day/2 half-day UXC course) CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro 1:43 Perplexity AI: History & Value Proposition 10:30 Perplexity AI: Next Steps & Future Developments 15:04 Making AI User Friendly: Generative Interfaces 24:33 Understanding AI as a Consumer Product 28:28 Mental Models for AI 30:41 An Outlook for AI 35:51 NN/g’s Role in the AI Movement 37:34 Anthropomorphism of AI 40:07 Dealing with the Fear of AI
Feb 16
45 min
35. Wireframing & Prototyping (feat. Leon Barnard, Content Manager, Balsamiq)
Wireframing is an incredibly useful design technique to flesh out conceptual ideas and communicate them to others. However, with the advent of powerful prototyping tools, some designers may think of these as irrelevant or outdated practices. Leon Barnard, Content Manager at Balsamiq and co-author of the book Wireframing for Everyone, discusses why he thinks wireframing is not only still relevant, but essential for maximizing creativity and innovative thinking. Connect with Leon Barnard Balsamiq Wireframing AcademyWireframing for Everyone (book) by Michael Angeles, Leon Barnard, & Billy Carlson Related NN/g Articles & Training Courses How to Draw a Wireframe (Even if You Can’t Draw) (free article) UX Basics: Study Guide (collection of free articles) UX Basic Training (UX certification course) UX Deliverables (UX certification course) Visual Design Fundamentals (UX certification course)
Feb 2
37 min
34. Data-Driven Decision-Making and Intranet Design (feat. Christian Knoebel and Charlie Kreitzberg, Princeton University)
We often talk about measuring progress, but it can sometimes be harder to do in practice than in theory, especially when you’re combining mixed research methods. However, some teams have managed to not only make sense of the data, but use it to make award-winning designs. In this episode we feature two members of Princeton University’s award-winning intranet team: Charlie Kreitzberg, Senior UX Advisor, and Christian Knoebel, Director Digital Strategy, and how they combined two frameworks: the 5D Rubric and pairLab, to bridge the gap between UX and product design. Learn about the 5-D Rubric Learn about pairLab Related NN/g resources: 10 Best Intranets of 2022 (the year Princeton University won) (free article) Intranet & Enterprise Design Study Guide (free article) Past Intranet Design Annual: 2022 (the year Princeton University won) (534-page report) Intranet Design Annual: 2023 (most recent awards) (483-page report)
Jan 5
43 min
33. Tracking UX Progress with Metrics (feat. Dr. John Pagonis, UXMC, Qualitative and Quantitative Researcher)
Measuring a user experience can be intimidating at first, but it's an essential part of determining whether your work is moving in the right direction (and by how much). UX Master Certified Dr. John Pagonis shares his experiences from working with other organizations on measuring UX improvements and interpreting quantitative data. Learn more about John Pagonis: Connect on LinkedIn Watch a past keynote talk: Usefulness measurement: A practical guide for all UXers (37 min video)⁠ NN/g Resources about Usability and UX Metrics: Usefulness, Utility, and Usability by Jakob Nielsen, PhD (2-min video) The UX Unicorn Myth (decathlon analogy, explained, 2-min video) Usability 101 by Jakob Nielsen, PhD (free article) Measuring UX and ROI (full-day course for UX certification) ⁠UX Metrics and ROI by Kate Moran⁠⁠ (297-page report) NN/g Articles about Microsoft's Desirability Toolkit and Adjectives List ⁠Using the Microsoft Desirability Toolkit to Test Visual Appeal⁠ (free article) ⁠Microsoft Desirability Toolkit Product Reaction Words⁠ (free article) Jeff Sauro, PhD on UX-Lite, UMUX-Lite, SUS, SEQ (an aside: his website, MeasuringU.com, is an excellent resource) 10 Things To Know About The Single Ease Question (SEQ) Measuring Usability with the System Usability Scale (SUS) 5 Ways to Interpret a SUS Score Measuring Usability: From the SUS to the UMUX-Lite ⁠Evolution of the UX-Lite⁠
Dec 4, 2023
44 min
Quick Update: Episodes Now On YouTube!
(But don't worry, we will still continue publishing future episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and many other platforms!) Check out our YouTube Channel here Go to our YouTube Podcast playlist
Oct 13, 2023
2 min
32. Conducting Research with Employees (feat. Angie Li, UXMC, Senior Manager of Product Design at Asurion)
Research with employees might sound easy in theory: you work in the same company as the people you need to observe or interview, and you might not even need to pay them for input. However, there's a bit more to it than meets the eye. In this episode, we feature UX Master Certified Angie Li, and she discusses what has helped her organize and run successful research with internal team members. Learn more about Angie Li NN/g Articles & Training Courses Employees as Usability-Test Participants (free article) Structuring Intranet Discovery & Design Research (free article) Ethnographic User Research (full-day/2 half-day UXC course) User Interviews (full-day/2 half-day UXC course) Usability Testing (full-day/2 half-day UXC course)
Sep 8, 2023
43 min
31. Service Design 101 (feat. Thomas Wilson, UXMC, Senior Principal Service Designer & Strategist)
Members of our UX Master Certified community are applying UX principles to their work in a range of different ways. In this episode, we interview Thomas Wilson, Senior Principal Service Designer at United Healthcare and discuss what service design is and what makes it challenging and rewarding. Learn more about Thomas Wilson: LinkedIn NN/g Service Design Resources: Service Blueprinting (full-day or half-day formats) Service Design Study Guide (free article with links to many more) Learn more about UX Master Certification Some of the (many) people and organizations Thomas mentioned: Don Norman Service Design Network Erika Hall Adam St. John Lawrence Marc Stickdorn Anthony Ulwick Bob Moesta
Aug 11, 2023
37 min
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