MCDM Presents
MCDM Presents
MCDM Productions
via Podcasts
Maybe for existing fans?
I had a hard time trying to follow the plot, particularly with f the main characters dying constantly. But others seem to like it a lot, what do I know?
These guys
Great setting, good characters, awesome players. I first found MCDM from seeing them play the Dune board game on YouTube. Which is also good, and very funny. I can’t watch a YouTube let’s play always, so it’s nice that I hardly have difficulty imagining what is happening without visual clues.
post dusk
Great D&D game
My only issue is sometimes Matt and the players talk really quiet making it hard to hear what’s going on. I’m only a few episodes in so I don’t know if the issue gets remedied later on, but besides that I’m really enjoying this D&D adventure!
Matt and MCDM are a great source of entertainment and inspiration!
Love this show
An amazing show
This is such a good show, I have been following The Chain since it first aired and have been in love with it since. This is an amazing live play podcast of close friends running a guild of mercenaries.
This is my favorite D&D podcast. I love how well done the political intrigue in this campaign is. It’s incredibly entertaining listening to it unfold.
Simply the very best live-stream D&D production there is.
Copeland CD
In Love With This Show!
I’ve started listening and now I can’t stop. I have gotten attached to a lot of these characters. Now rip my heart out. Edit: No one else should die. I couldn’t take it. (Slim and King are my favourite. I love the concept of the Chronicle as well.)
Cassandra A. Riter
Just good DnD
The Chain is quality DnD with great characters and a wonderful dm. It feels a lot like the home games I have run and played in. I recommend it for anyone who enjoys a good game of DnD!
Great Story, Good People, Educational
I’d been watching Matt for a couple years when The Chain finally started streaming. It’s a great story and all the people on it are fun. But mixed in with his youtube channel the whole experience is very educational. You can see the world being constructed in the World Building streams, then watch it play out through the podcast, and then the campaign diaries give a behind the scenes look at how everything went and what Matt was thinking in the moment. It’s a cool experience overall and truly one of a kind.
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Straight Dope
What else do you need to know!
Alex Ruscito
Real Material
I’ve listened/am listening to 5 D&d podcasts and this one is definitely at the top. It’s so real and reflective of how D&d is typically played by people unlike other D&d podcasts that focus heavily on production or editing. It feels incredibly homey and the community around MCDM are incredible. It’s also the best material in trying to better by DMing as Matt has cemented himself as one of the DM gods that all other DMs look up to. Thank you MCDM for this campaign!
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Great D&D Podcast
Adult D&D with Political Mercenaries in a City of Byzantine Intrigue with a Renaissance Italy feel. Be ready!!! Character death is expected!
Entertaining, fun, and informative
I’m very new to D&D and table top gaming and Matt’s YouTube channel and this podcast are awesome. This play through and his other videos on YouTube are both fun and entertaining to listen to and watch and they are also helping me learn the game much quicker than simply reading the rule books.
Longtime Fan
So glad to see the person I’ve come to think of as my DM sensei is running a game, and especially glad to see you guys putting it up in podcast form, since that’s likely the only way I’ll be able to consume it. Thank you Matt! I’m very excited! One thing - I think light background music, like CR’s, might go a long way to help listenability. If that’s not your style, though, I totally understand!
Reptile Darling
Great Game, Great DM
Matt Colville has taught me so much about being a great DM and generally being a better person though his videos and world building . His skill and wisdom shines through his works. Listeners are in for a true treat with this campaign. Thank you for this, Matt!
The Chain is New and Exciting!
Matt Colville has really knocked it out of the park with his new campaign. The Chain starts with an exciting, and extremely surprising twist that leaves you wanting to come back for more! Can’t wait to see what it brings.