Marriage Is Funny Podcast

Marriage Is Funny

Gerard + Jessie Pepper
These are honest conversations from a married couple who is trying to figure it out like everybody else. The best recipe for a healthy marriage is the right mix of love + laughter, and we believe that talking things out and tight bear hugs fix [almost] everything. Join us on the journey and we'll show you that there is humor in every mess. Co-hosted by husband and wife duo, Gerard Brown and Jessie Artigue.
Rule 103 | Asking For Help Is Not Everyone's Cup Of Tea
The Season Eight Finale is here and Jessie + Gerard are using it to uncover the truth about why it’s ok to admit when your marriage isn’t perfect. Tune in for more details about our Grounded Marriage Summit and in the meantime, we’re wishing you a Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year!
Dec 31, 2019
33 min
Rule 102 | Envelopes Are The Safest Place To Keep All Your Cash
The Peppers are pulling back the curtain for a behind the scenes look at their latest budgeting woes. As they give a debrief of episode from their recent interview with The Vreelands (Ep 101), you’ll hear them using financial goals and an “abundance mindset” as they try to whip their bank account(s) into shape.  Want to learn more about growing together in Great Love? Join us at the Grounded Marriage Summit we’re hosting in Long Beach next February! With expert speakers and authentic Mexican food in the heart of Southern California, we promise it will be an event that you do NOT want to miss.
Nov 21, 2019
37 min
Rule 101 | Building A Budget Is Tough Unless Both Partners Are On Board
This week, we’re joined by our friends Lauren + Jeremy Vreeland! They recently paid off OVER 230K dollars of debt and we have enlisted their help with some of our own (less-noble) budgeting woes. Whether you’re looking for financial clarity OR wish your spouse would quit bugging out about your spending habits, these two have tons of insight and we are SO ready to learn the magic of their ways.  Meanwhile, do you want to grow a relationship that’s rooted in Great Love? Join us in Long Beach for the Grounded Marriage Summit in Feb 2020! QUICK BITES: Looking for a naturopathic doctor who is located in Southern California? We’re both big fans of Lauren’s practice and if you happen to be a parent, she also does pediatrics! Curious about our past budgeting conversations? Check out episodes 22, 47 and 57 for more backstory.
Nov 19, 2019
1 hr 7 min
Rule 100 | Always Save Your Best Stories For An Audience
Celebrating a BIG milestone on Marriage is Funny this week! We’re 100 episodes in and that means we’ve got plenty of stories to show for it. Tune in for a look back at how starting a podcast has saved our marriage and be sure to join in the discussion over in our private facebook group. Meanwhile, are you looking to grow a relationship that’s rooted in Great Love? Join us in Long Beach for the Grounded Marriage Summit in Feb 2020! Head to our site for more event info and click right here to support the show. ♥︎
Nov 13, 2019
46 min
Rule 099 | Sometimes Fighting Fair Means Walking Out The Door
Jessie + Gerard are sharing an exclusive debrief about their recent interview with marriage experts Les + Leslie Parrott. (Be sure to get the backstory in Episode 98 before you listen!) Hear about how we’re putting their advice into practice, and come share your thoughts about healthy conflict over in the MIF facebook group.  Want to learn more about growing together in Great Love? Join us at the Grounded Marriage Summit we’re hosting in Long Beach next February! With expert speakers and authentic Mexican food in the heart of Southern California, we promise it will be an event that you do NOT want to miss.
Nov 7, 2019
30 min
Rule 098 | It's OK To Take A Time-Out Every Now And Again
This week, we’re joined by marriage experts and co-authors Les + Leslie Parrott! They are the brains (and hearts!) behind the Better Love marriage assessment, and this week we’ve enlisted their help with how to approach conflict in a healthy way. These two have massively shifted our perspective when it comes to fighting fair and you’ll love this episode if you want an excuse to send your partner to their room.  Meanwhile, are you looking to grow a relationship that’s rooted in Great Love? Join us in Long Beach for the Grounded Marriage Summit in Feb 2020! Head to our site for more event info and click right here to support the show. ♥︎   QUICK BITES: Follow Les + Leslie on instagram for marriage advice on the go!  The Better Love marriage assessment is meant to help you love more deeply, every day.  Books mentioned in this episode: The Good Fight, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, Healthy Me Healthy You (coming out in 2020) Learn more about The Parrotts and their upcoming events at!
Nov 5, 2019
35 min
Rule 097 | Intimacy Is Easier When All The Chores Are Complete
Jessie + Gerard share a “sexy” debrief about their recent interview with friends Ron + Morgan Day Cecil. (Listen to Episode 96 for the backstory!) The result is an honest conversation about pursuing sex and intimacy in a healthy way, and if you’re interested in our new approach just head to for details.  To hear more from The Cecils and their deep well of wisdom, be sure to join us at the Grounded Marriage Summit that we’re hosting next February! Ron + Morgan will be speakers at the upcoming event, and we promise it’ll be an experience that you do not want to miss.
Oct 31, 2019
33 min
Rule 096 | Saying No To Sex Is Not The End Of The World
This week, we are joined by friends Ron + Morgan Day Cecil! They are the creators of a movement called Romance + Adventure and we have enlisted their help with our ongoing and sometimes wobbly quest for intimacy. Whether you’re seeking a deeper connection OR trying to wiggle your way out of a back-rub (ahem) these two are experts when it comes to heartfelt connection and we are SO ready to learn the magic of their ways.  Meanwhile, do you want to grow a relationship that’s rooted in Great Love? Join us in Long Beach for the Grounded Marriage Summit in Feb 2020! Head to our site for more event info and click right here to support the show. ♥︎   QUICK BITES: Book recommendations: The Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch, Intimacy And Desire by David Schnarch, Wired for Joy by Laurel Mellin. The miracle of love isn’t in the falling, it’s in the remaining. Morgan shares this quote with us as a reminder to keep making the choice, even though it’s not always easy!  The Cecils remind us of the distinct importance of understanding, defining and communicating what we want by sharing it regularly (and openly) with our partner. Regardless of gender, remember that your sexual energies are meant to be complementary to one another and do not need to be identical.  The person with the lower desire can “take back the lead” in order to feel empowered. The Cecils share a positive and proactive solution for couples who have libidos that land on completely different levels! Morgan explains why having “order” in the house is something that helps her feel free enough to get lost in a moment of passion. (Ron promptly begins clearing the space around her, just in case.) Talking about sex when we’re already laughing or having a good time together is what starts to normalize the conversation and remove potential triggers. Morgan reminds us to “Stay in the heart instead of letting ourselves get stuck in the head.” The Cecils teach us about brain state awareness. It is important to know that prioritizing personal growth is what allows you to show up for your partner as your true self. Relationships become dangerous when you to expect or rely on the other person to fix you.
Oct 29, 2019
59 min
Rule 095 | It’s Harder To Delegate Tasks Than it is To Do Them Yourself
Jessie + Gerard are sharing some behind-the-scenes thoughts on the recent interview with The Shinabargers and the result is a conversation filled with stories they’ve never told before on the show. Andre + Jeff are fellow podcasters and the duo behind a show called Love or Work. Make sure to tune in to episode 94 to get the backstory before you listen! Here’s the Dish: G shares more about giving up on professional ministry. J causes some bristling with her masculine energy. The Peppers share an upcoming chance to find great marriage mentors! Meanwhile, do you want to grow a marriage that’s rooted in Great Love? Join us in Long Beach for the Grounded Summit in Feb 2020! ♥︎
Oct 24, 2019
29 min
Rule 094 | Your Partner Is Not To Blame For Unused Vacation Days
This week, we’re joined by Andre + Jeff Shinabarger! They are the hosts of a podcast that is aptly named “Love or Work” and we’re excited to get their advice about what it looks like to pursue both values at the very same time. Whether you’re trying to build a bookcase together or running a full-blown company with your spouse, these two are teaching us that healthy communication is at the heart of it all. Be sure to check out their show and come say hey on IG while you listen: @meetthepeppers + @loveorwork! Meanwhile, do you want to grow a marriage that’s rooted in Great Love? Join us in Long Beach for the Grounded Summit in Feb 2020! Head to our site for more event info and click right here to support the show! ♥︎
Oct 22, 2019
54 min
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