Make Things Happen with Amanda Upton
Make Things Happen with Amanda Upton
Amanda Upton
via Podcasts
Super duper helpful (and uplifting)
I love Amanda’s energy on this podcast. I smile just listening to her. She says she is “stoked” and I feel it through the pod-waves. It’s contagious! I am a solo mamapaneur and I find many episodes to both uplifting and practical. I’ve taken notes on more than one occasion and her and the guest’s tips shape the way I’m building my business. Thank you Amanda for helping women all over the country break rules and reach goals. ❤️🫶🏻🙏🏼
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So Good!
So good Amanda Upton! I am so glad you are back and right on time to help me birth this business I have been dreaming about for years I USED TO revert back to scarcity mindset whenever the moments came to take big action…I have faith your wisdom will help me break that habit. I got some great insight from the first daydreaming visualization and wrote it down.
vt mom of 3
Fantastic show!
Really great podcast- one of my new favorite shows!
Great tips!
Great advice on stopping the overwhelm when we are growing our businesses.
Jodie the Mom
Primo Book Club Episode
Amanda…This is Amy from Prosecco N Prose Book Club Podcast. I found your 6 Reasons to Join a Book Club (June 16) episode very interesting. The connections one makes in a book club is so much more than the pages in a book. I have met some of my forever friends in book clubs. Wendy and I decided to do a book pod during the pandemic to stay connected with our local club. Love the calm in your voice. I’m all about goals, so will be binging your podcast until I get caught up. Thanks for showing how to make things happen! Hugs, Amy
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Great suggestions and tips!
Your episode on reasons to join a book club made me want to join a book club, or start one! Amanda is easy to listen to. Great morning listen.
Great podcast
This podcast is a must listen. Amanda keep these conversations coming.
Tamika McTier
Love this podcast !!
So many insights! I’m so glad I came upon this amazing podcast.
GiRLiFE Empowerment
Insightful and Inspiring!
I am grateful to have found Amanda's beautiful podcast. Her voice, her energy, her authenticity - they all shine through to inspire. Need an uplift? To see new possibilities? To lean into what could be possible in your life? You will love what Amanda is making happen - so much joy, I love it and I highly recommend!
Reinvention Rebel
So Valuable!
Love this podcast! Amanda shares so much valuable information the insight she gives is so helpful💖
Love Affirmations
I am always looking for ways to improve my daily affirmation practice. This podcast helps me do this. Definitely worth your time to subscribe.
Queen AA
I really love how concise and clear everything is! I’m making a lot of changes in my life rn and really feel like Amanda just gets it! Thank you!
I Am A Creator
Thank you Amanda for such a great podcast that teaches me how to be an intentional manifestor. I am a new subscriber.
Maya Acosta- Health Lifestyle
I love it!
I like that Amanda responds to what is happening in the world. Thank you for the ep on the shooting this past week. You are a gem!
Life your best life!
I love uplifting podcasts that help you become your best self!
Great show!
Such a fun podcast to listen too. Enjoyed it on my way to work this morning. Bri
Barbara Steve
Put this on your list of podcasts to listen to! So helpful!
So helpful!
Amanda is genuine and speaks with such authenticity. She is calming and supportive as she offers ways to help you find the best approach to start your day and when you are under stress. Highly recommend!
Sue Barber