Left Bitches (who are right)
Left Bitches (who are right)
Maffick Podcasts
Unapologetically outraged that kindness is now controversial. Why is this even a conversation?! Feel like you’re the only one still seeing straight as our piece-of-shit civilization burns to the ground around you? Us too. We’re talking politics without fear, bringing together (sometimes wildly divergent) progressive perspectives and breaking down what’s really happening now with incisive commentary, sharp banter and a healthy helping of righteous indignation. Come get mad with us! And then talk it out with Anissa Naouai, Amanda Getty, Erica Marable, Ryan Wentz, and Gregory Haddock.
Party of One Trailer
Conservative, Liberal, Centrist: You gotta screw one, marry one, murder one. Introducing Party of One. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/party-of-one/id1571174758 What's the real difference between a Republican and a Democrat? Still believe the game's red vs. blue in Washington? Here's something new for your ears. Party of One pushes past the political posturing and ramped-up rhetoric of division, to uncover a much scarier reality: It's business that's booming, and we're the one's losing. And the stakes couldn't be higher. Tune in for conversations with real reformers like Lawrence Lessig, Chris Hedges, Kshama Sawant, Alice Slater, Aaron Hamlin and more. Party of One is a six-part series that’ll explode everything you thought you knew about American politics.  Coming July 4th with new episodes weekly. Happy Birthday, America. From Maffick Podcasts. Produced by Amanda Getty and Gregory Haddock.
Jul 8, 2021
3 min
Biden Bombs Iraq as Earth Boils
It's hot AF! The Left Bitches are wrapping up the season all sweaty. The climate crisis is real... so we're getting rid of our plastic straws once and for all! Kidding, fuck Big Oil. Biden just became the sixth consecutive president to bomb Iraq and the media wants you to believe the move was "defensive." What type of upside-down reality do we live in? Meanwhile, Israel is really demolishing the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan to build a religious theme park. Finally, we answer the question you all have been wondering since we started this thing: Is Greg a Left Bitch? The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit patreon.com/leftbitches for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.
Jul 1, 2021
41 min
Jewish, Israeli, and...ANTI-ZIONIST? w/ Miko Peled
Life as an anti-Zionist Israeli Jew: Author and human rights activist Miko Peled reflects on growing up in a prominent Zionist family in Israel, what turned his world upside down, and how he came to be an outspoken supporter of the liberation of Palestine. What’s with the two-state delusion? What does justice look like for Palestinians? What good is a ceasefire if Israel’s colonial violence continues? And will the new Israeli government be any different from the last? Plus, how have Israel’s most recent atrocities united Palestinians across all regions of Palestine? And how have they mobilized the so-called “international community”? Get more of Miko @mikopeled and check out all things BDS at https://bdsmovement.net/ The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit patreon.com/leftbitches for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.
Jun 24, 2021
48 min
Latin American Socialism vs. The US Empire w/ Camila Escalante
All eyes on Latin America: What's burning in what imperialists have long called "America's backyard"? Kawsachun News co-founder Camila Escalante assesses the state of the Latin American left in 2021. What's the deal with Peru's recent elections? How are things for ordinary Bolivians after one year of a US-backed coup regime? Is the US still trying to overthrow Venezuela's democracy in order to install Western puppet Juan Guaidó? What can socialists in the Global North learn from the success of left-wing movements across Latin America? Plus, is there really any difference between Trump and Biden's hawkish policies in the region? Get more of Camila @PrensaCamila and @KawsachunNews! The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit patreon.com/leftbitches for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.
Jun 17, 2021
51 min
Left Politics in the Post-Kaepernick NFL w/ Justin Jackson
There’s a Left Bitch in the NFL! The Takeover host and LA Chargers running back Justin Jackson breaks down life as a leftist on football’s biggest stage. We get into Biden’s America, what politicized us, and how to best use large platforms for the greater good. How do professional athletes navigate political conversations in the locker room? And what’s it like to advocate for justice in the same league that blackballed Colin Kaepernick just five years ago? Plus, how can learning more about the for-profit healthcare system and US imperialism push apolitical Americans to the left? Hint: breaking out of the two-party paradigm is key. Get more of Justin @J_ManPrime21 and at The Takeover on YouTube The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit patreon.com/leftbitches for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.
Jun 10, 2021
48 min
Facebook's Crusade Against Palestine w/ Mnar Muhawesh Adley
Bibi on his way out as Israeli PM? So what do/can/should we expect from likely successor Naftali Bennett? MintPress News founder and editor-in-chief Mnar Muhawesh Adley talks Netanyahu 2.0, what it’s like growing up Palestinian-American in the belly of the beast, and the challenges of independent media. Spoiler alert: Facebook always wins. Who's really behind Big Tech censorship? And how do we shatter the echo chambers when it comes to empire's crimes in Palestine and beyond? Check out Mnar on Twitter and MintPress News! The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit patreon.com/leftbitches for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.
Jun 3, 2021
47 min
Palestine Pushback: Bernie, The Hulk & The Hadids
Does Bella Hadid have bigger balls than The Hulk? As Israel’s ongoing warcrimes against Palestinians continue, Zionists are pulling out all the stops to salvage Israel’s image worldwide. Big Tech's censoring pro-Palestine content (oh hey, Instagram!) while the pro-Israel lobby smears celebrity voices speaking for justice. Mark Ruffalo crumbled under pressure and took back “genocide”; what did Bernie Sanders urge that has The Bitches calling for his cucking cancellation? Plus the New York Times' full-page ad slamming Palestinian supermodels for supporting a second Holocaust. You can't make this shit up! The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit patreon.com/leftbitches for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.
May 27, 2021
49 min
Palestine: How You Can Actually Help w/ Abby Martin
As Israel's heinous war crimes intensify, enormous crowds are mobilizing across the globe in support of Palestine. Are the Bitches naive to believe the tide may finally be turning toward justice? Abby Martin, creator of the Empire Files and director of Gaza Fights for Freedom, talks media lies, pro-Israel propaganda, and what people of conscience can do to support the liberation of Palestinians from apartheid. The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement is designed to isolate Israel, so how do we heed the BDS call? What other actions can we all take today? Plus, the Great March of Return: What it was, what the media told you it was, and what we all need to expect from Israel in response to nonviolent resistance. WATCH Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Full Documentary | Directed by Abby Martin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnZSaKYmP2s&t=2809s https://gazafightsforfreedom.com/ Follow Abby @abbymartin  The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit patreon.com/leftbitches for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.
May 20, 2021
59 min
Palestine Under Attack w/ Ali Abunimah
Palestine is rising, resisting and rejecting Israel's racist colonial occupation that’s violently subjugated millions since 1948. Will there be justice as long as Western imperialism has a say? Electronic Intifada director Ali Abunimah parses the bloodthirsty propaganda from corporate media that’s been distorting the reality on the ground in the Middle East since day 1. How can Israel get away with gassing Palestinian worshippers at al Aqsa in Jerusalem and carpet bombing Palestinian civilian neighborhoods in Gaza on the same day? Plus, how the US invests in Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism, how Israel fights Washington's dirty wars, and why virtue-signaling liberals who back Zionist policy can't have it both ways (and why AOC can't save you now). What are these so-called "shared values" between the US and Israel anyway? Follow Ali on Twitter! The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit patreon.com/leftbitches for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.
May 13, 2021
57 min
Partisan Patriarchy and Smearing the Truth w/ Tara Reade
SENSITIVE CONTENT: This episode contains references to sexual violence How can Democrats get away with attacks on sexual assault survivors? Is it all just partisan politics to them? The Bitches are joined by author, activist, and former Senate aide Tara Reade to discuss her experience coming forward about sexual assault. Democrats were rightfully outraged by Trump’s disturbing history of sexual violence, so why do they provide cover for Biden? Plus, the anti-left corporate media’s coverage of Tara's ordeal: why telling the truth makes you a “Russian asset.” The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit patreon.com/leftbitches for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more. But Tara’s book: "Left Out: When The Truth Doesn't Fit In" https://tarareadeauthor.com And check Tara out on Twitter https://twitter.com/ReadeAlexandra
May 9, 2021
53 min
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