Left Bitches (who are right)
Left Bitches (who are right)
Maffick Podcasts
Biden Bombs Iraq as Earth Boils
41 minutes Posted Jul 1, 2021 at 5:00 am.
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It's hot AF! The Left Bitches are wrapping up the season all sweaty. The climate crisis is real... so we're getting rid of our plastic straws once and for all! Kidding, fuck Big Oil. Biden just became the sixth consecutive president to bomb Iraq and the media wants you to believe the move was "defensive." What type of upside-down reality do we live in? Meanwhile, Israel is really demolishing the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan to build a religious theme park. Finally, we answer the question you all have been wondering since we started this thing: Is Greg a Left Bitch?

The Left Bitches are Anissa NaouaiErica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit patreon.com/leftbitches for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.