Kevin and guest cohost Maria Wilson welcome Brie Hollingshead, Paranormal Investigator. We'll talk about Brie's 'Road Trippin', her passion and family lineage with the paranormal, and more. We'll also review video evidence of a recent investigation. Looking forward to hanging with Brie!! Brie's info: https://www.facebook.com/Brie.Hollingshead/ https://www.instagram.com/paranormaltrippinbrie/ https://www.youtube.com/@BreezeBabyBrie/ https://linktr.ee/latenightscreamspod #LateNightScreams #paranormal #ghostinvestigations #hauntings #BrieHollingshead #ERRTradio
Dec 28, 2023
1 hr 42 min

Ryan, Kevin, and Tiffany welcome Author, Jason Offutt. We'll discuss Jason's book - “Chasing American Monsters: 250 Creatures, Cryptids, and Hairy Beasts”, and more!
About Jason: Jason grew up on a farm near the little town of Orrick, Missouri. In his life he’s been a farm hand, journalist, photographer, bartender, and the mayor of that same small town. Jason now teaches journalism at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville and keeps the world safe from the forces of evil.
From Jason: Okay, so now that the interview bio’s out the way, here’s who I really am. I’m a nerd. A Dungeons and Dragons playing, “Star Trek” watching, conspiracy theory Fanboy. “The Twilight Zone” is the greatest television program ever created, author Michael Crichton was a wizard, and I once went to a Halloween party dressed as Gilligan (my wife went as Mary Ann. Hubba hubba). As a kid I looked for Sasquatch footprints in the yard, UFOs over our farmhouse (one night my whole family saw something that shouldn’t – couldn’t – have been in the sky. Damn straight), and one afternoon, alone, I saw a full-bodied apparition that stared at me through hollow eyes. https://www.jasonoffutt.com/
#LateNightScreams #paranormal #cryptids #creatures #bigfoot #beasts #author #JassonOffutt #ERRTradio
Dec 1, 2023
1 hr 33 min

Ryan, Kevin & Tiffany welcome Nathaniel Gillis - Author & Demonologist. We'll discuss devils, demons, unclean spirits, aliens, and other stuff that makes our hair stand up. About Nathaniel: After living in a haunted house, Nathaniel spent 20 years researching what it was he encountered. Nathaniel has sought to redefine the nature of haunting phenomena, ghosts and high strangeness. As one of the thought leaders in his field, Nathaniel’s hypothesis is not that aliens are demons but that a singular intelligence has worn both as masks in which to hide. In fact, he is often quoted for his concept of the phenomenon…. "The reason they are playing by different rules is because they are playing a different game.”
Nov 26, 2023
1 hr 44 min

It's the LNS Halloween Special tonight! Kevin Hale, Tiffany Mac (guest cohost), and guest Christopher Garetano discuss their favorite horror flicks to watch during the Halloween season.
Check it out!
#latenightscreams #paranormal #horror #horrormovies #horrorshows #halloween #ERRTradio
Nov 1, 2023
1 hr 37 min

Ryan Edwards and Kevin Hale will discuss the Octagon Hall Museum's paranormal history with guest Maria Wilson. We'll review audio/video evidence from Octagon Hall, and discuss other paranormal experiences.
Here is the video version. Check out the video evidence discussed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsgkajJqOUo Like/Follow/Support
Oct 25, 2023
1 hr 13 min

In this episode, Ryan and Kevin are all in with the UAP/Alien lore. They discuss Steven Spielberg's Netflix documentary - 'Encounters'. This is a four episode documentary discussing UFO/Alien encounters. Four UFO encounters that are very convincing. Lots of other UAP chat that includes the Ancient Astronaut theory, Skinwalker Ranch, The X-Files, and more Check it out!
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Oct 5, 2023
42 min

LNS welcomes Brie Hollingshead, Paranormal Investigator. We talk ghost investigations, Brie's 'Road Trippin', and her passion and family lineage with the paranormal. Fun episode with Brie. Check out her links below.
Sep 13, 2023
1 hr 4 min

We talk about ghosts, bigfoot, cryptids, UAPs, and more.
#paranormal #ghosts #cryptids #bigfoot #UFO #UAP #ghostinvestigations #hauntings
Aug 23, 2023
1 hr 9 min

In this episode, we discuss the Roswell Anniversary, UAP Hearing, and more with guest Don Schmitt.
Donald R. Schmitt is a former special investigator of the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who was the scientific consultant to the Air Force Project Blue Book. After Hynek founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) in Chicago, Schmitt would become his director of special investigations and served on the board of directors for ten years. A seven-time best-selling author, his first book UFO Crash at Roswell was made into the Golden Globe nominated best picture ROSWELL. He is also a co-founder of the International UFO Museum and Research Center (IUFOMRC) at Roswell, NM. Schmitt is also a co-founder of the International Coalition on Extraterrestrial Research (ICER) where he serves as the main representative of the USA.
Aug 3, 2023
1 hr 5 min

Are alien abductions real? We talk with Geraldine Orozco, renowned hypnotherapist, about her very own experience. Has there been a hybridization program and what could change in the world over the next 4 years? https://linktr.ee/GeraldineOrozco
Jun 8, 2023
1 hr 18 min
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