Jen-U-ine Conversations Podcast

Jen-U-ine Conversations

Jennifer Beitz
This is a podcast for shattering your limiting beliefs and living an empowered life. You will hear from women who journeyed within to find the answers to life and business. They found that thinking about achieving… got them out of alignment. Staying heart-centered... brought them more joy and happiness. These women learned how to let go of the past, live in the present moment, and lead from their heart. Have a listen as they share their insights and experiences.
#1 (Jennifer) - Find Your Voice with Jennifer Beitz
In order to find my voice, I had to face my fear of being rejected. Surrounding myself with safe people, my chosen tribe, gave me the strength to pull back from family and gently find my voice. Book in 30 Days Coach, Linda Vettrus-Nichols has a similar story. Once I realized the value of expression over impression, impressing others, and then working with a coach, I began to see myself in my own sandbox. I broke the silence, shared my truth, and dove headlong into authenticity. Now I express my authentic journey so others don’t have to go through the same pain. Have a listen as Linda and I share our stories.
Aug 13, 2023
11 min
Jen-U-ine Conversations with Puppy Tsai
When Puppy was little, she tried to avoid any depressing feelings so she would enjoy getting out of home and go to school and stay at school. I didn’t know how to deal with that, so I would avoid and escape. When she grew older, she realized, it’s not something she could avoid or really escape from. She had to face it and deal with it. Otherwise, it was not going to get better. Give a listen as Puppy share her story of transformation from the inside out and how she discovered to love herself, first. "Love yourself first. If you do not accept and love yourself, it does not matter how many other people do, you still feel empty.” If you have ever struggled to love yourself first, you won’t want to miss this episode of Jen-U-ine Conversations!
May 14, 2023
36 min
Jen-U-ine Conversatinons with Tina Baxter
Once Tina realized that being a Physician wasn’t her calling, a lot of people didn’t understand why she chose nursing over medicine. Give a listen as Tina shares her transformation story from the inside out and how she discovered to trust her instincts. When life gives you lemons, you learn how to make lemonade! If you are just starting your entrepreneurial journey, or you are well into your business, you will not want to miss this episode as Tina drops valuable lessons that she learned along the way!
May 7, 2023
59 min
#3 (Linda) - Understanding the 3 Stages of the Female Psyche
The 3 Stages of the Female Psyche isn’t narrowed down to just women. Both sexes run feminine as well as masculine energy and have a female and male psyche. Book in 30 Days Coach, Linda Vettrus-Nichols talks about the human journey and the stages we end up dancing upon. Stage 1 - where we meet The Predator, Stage 2 - where we don’t own our shit and blame others, and Stage 3 - where we are The BITCH (Being in Total Control of Herself/Himself speaking her/his truth from love and authenticity). In order to understand where we come from, we can take a peek at out of body experiences like the one Linda’s client had. Have a listen to this very insightful episode.
Apr 3, 2022
17 min
#2 - (Linda) - Sales is Just a Conversation with Linda Vettrus-Nichols
Sales is about talking to people and making friends. We sell to our kids everyday. We even sell to our friends. When was the last time you told a friend about a great movie you know they’d love to see or a book they’d love to read. Telling them the outcome of why they’d enjoy your recommendation reinforces that you really do know them. Have a listen as Book in 30 Days Coach, Linda Vettrus-Nichols filled me in on the fact that sales isn’t sleazy, it’s just a conversation.
Mar 27, 2022
16 min
#1 (Linda) - Walk At The Level of Your Soul with Linda Vettrus-Nichols
The Soul is here to experience the experience outside of duality. If you want to stay emotionally healthy, stay out of duality. Everything just is when we embody our divinity. Thanking the Ego is part of our empowerment. You can live as a Human or you can be authentic to who you really are: A Soul, fully embodied when you choose to be. Our perfection connects us on a spiritual level. Our flaws connect us on the Human/Egoic level. When we come to understand that we are perfectly imperfect, this is when we can truly connect with others. Book in 30 Days Coach, Linda Vettrus-Nichols used to help women out of the Dark Night of the Soul, now she empowers them to avoid it. Have a listen, you won’t want to miss this episode!
Mar 20, 2022
21 min
#4 (Steena) - Own Your Power with Steena Marie
The energy of stepping into our sexual power is about waking ourselves up. Allowing sexual energy to move through our bodies allows us to own our power. Intimate touch isn’t erotic and inappropriate. Nursing a baby is a great example of expressing our sexuality. It’s a clear energy of what brings us pleasure. Penetration and reception is part of clear communication. Asking permission and sharing where we stand, gives everyone freedom of choice. Author Steena Marie points out how we aren’t taking responsibility for our choices. Have a listen to this conversation with Steena and Linda.
Mar 13, 2022
9 min
#3 (Steena) - Fear is An Illusion with Steena Marie
Heat waves off hot pavement remind Steena Marie of illusion. When you are looking through the heat waves everything gets kind of distorted as you pass through the other side, everything is back to normal. Nothing actually changed. Our perceptions can become really distorted. Linda Vettrus-Nichols talks about how going through the Smoky Mountains, where she lives, blurs the view and creates spooky little ghost clouds. Steena teaches that when we take the time to stop, drop into our bodies, and release our restrictions... we are able to reclaim our Soul clarity. This is what gives us energy. Linda mentions how our emotions can cut off our communication. Have a listen to this Jen-U-ine Conversation.
Mar 6, 2022
8 min
#2 (Steena) - Make Yourself A Priority with Steena Marie
Making yourself a priority comes from self-awareness. Author Steena Marie says that self-awareness is more important than perfection. Her teaching on how to say “No” involves learning to say “No” to the distractions and compromises. When we are clear as to what we do want, we are clear on where to say “No” in our lives without the drama. You won’t want to miss this enlightening conversation between Steena Marie and her Book in 30 Days Coach, Linda Vettrus-Nilchols. Have a listen and find out how to be proactive rather than reactive.
Feb 27, 2022
10 min
#1 (Steena) - Own Both Parts of You with Steena Marie
Author Steena Marie started out life as the good girl... living up to everybody else's standards. This looked like being the beauty queen, valedictorian, and cheerleader. Steena’s inner rebel began to appear when she got married at eighteen and had a baby within her first year of marriage, two miscarriages, and another child by age twenty-three. Her deep journey of personal discovery led her to stepping into a different type of motherhood and finding her inner masculine as well as her inner rebel. You won’t want to miss this episode as Steena Marie chats it up with her Book in 30 Days Coach Linda Vettrus-Nichols.
Feb 20, 2022
2 min
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