We're joined by Griffin Newman (@grifflightning) aka Pip himself (!!) to chat all about the brand new Disenchanted. We get the scoop on all things Pip, request merch, rides, and an extended Pip universe- are you listening, Bob (Iger)!? Oh right, we get breaking news during our recording that Bob Iger has been reinstated as Disney CEO. What a time to briefly come out of a hiatus!!
Nov 25, 2022
59 min

We're joined by Scott Youngbauer (@scottyoungballer) to chat about the BRAND NEW and MOST RECENT (for now) Disney Channel Original Movie, which funny enough is a sequel to the very FIRST DCOM we ever watched. The kids go on a trip to Amy's Dad's wedding (AKA the union of Popin' Carl) and it's a SPOOKY Hallo-wedding! On the way, an ancient mummy has gone missing and the kids correctly suspect this has something to do with Harold, so they wake him and his eternal GF, Rose. Dancing, pizza, and hot sauce ensue as it's a fight to get the ill intentioned Sobek to back off. Tell us what you thought of this original sequel @ITDVPodcast on twitter.
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You can also follow the show hosts:
Rachel Chapman @LadyTomHanks
Oscar Montoya @OzzyMo
Clare Loughran @Clary_Poppins
Oct 6, 2022
1 hr 22 min

Zombies and Werewolves and Cheerleaders, OH MY! Could Seabrook get any more crowded with interesting characters!? WHY YES, IT CAN! A RuPaul voiced Alien spaceship arrives on a mission to find a map to their new home planet. Everyone freaks out, except Addison who feels ~connected~ to the newcomers. All the while, Zed's trying to get into college and be the first Zombie to do so! Will Addison finally find the answers she seeks? Will Zed get into college? Will they stay together forever? Will there be a Zombies 4!? Tell us who you think may show up in the next one at @ITDVPodcast on Twitter.
Sep 28, 2022
1 hr 2 min

We've watched 112/113 DCOMs and before we make our way to the very last one (as of this post), we reflect back on the good, the bad, and the forgettable. We discuss those we've loved since they were first released as well as some new favorites. And you KNOW we have to shout out our top Zaddies. Let us know who your Platinum Zaddies are @ITDVPodcast on twitter and please be sure to leave us a nice review on Apple Podcasts!
Sep 23, 2022
56 min

Well it's Christmas all over Again...and again...and again- that's right, we've got a TIME LOOP MOVIE!!!!! After a rough Christmas, Ro wakes up the next morning on Christmas...Again!!!!!! She quickly learns that she can do anything she likes without consequence since the day will continue to restart. She continues to stay in the loop long enough to learn some MAJOR specialized skills and- wouldn't you know- under the guidance of Santa, she also learns to become a caring, loving family member and friend. Bake your favorite seasonal banana loaf and tell us what you thought of Christmas...Again?! and where it ranks in your fave time loop films @ITDVPodcast on twitter!
Sep 15, 2022
1 hr 14 min

It's spooky season in the vault and we're joined by Jeremy Schmidt (@Ocarinaofcrime) for a REMAKE of the FIRST Disney Channel Original Movie! Harold the Mummy was stolen from a museum and some horror-loving kids find him and make it their mission to help him back to his sarcophagus before it's too late, BUT there are some goons up to no good trying to make it so this doesn't happen! Sounds familiar! We all loved the original, but what do we think of this new --very similar-- Under Wraps? Tell us which Under Wraps you prefer @ITDVPodcast on twitter!
Sep 8, 2022
1 hr 11 min

Jordan Myrick (@jordanmyr1ck) joins us as we take a turn making playlists and then learning to DJ with the brilliant Rhea. She doesn't think she's an artist like the rest of her family members, but once she meets a new love interest, she realizes she hears music in everything and puts her new skills to the test in a DJ competition. However, she has responsibilities at her family's restaurant where her cool grandma dances and her brother suggests interesting new dishes. How will she balance it all!? Tell us what your DJ name would be @ITDVPodcast on Twitter!
Sep 1, 2022
1 hr 8 min

We blast off to infinity and way beyond with our friend Ryno (@ryno1185) for this extended universe prequel to the Toy Story franchise, but specifically only the source material for the Buzz Lightyear toy. Time travel, heightened emotions, and a rag tag team complete with an adorable fluffy sidekick, we've got a Pixar movie, y'all! We discuss all things Lightyear and get an amazing breakdown of what the heck is actually going on with this forward and backward time travel situation and what makes the big logical. Tell us if you understand what's going on with these time travel rules @ITDVPodcast.
Aug 25, 2022
1 hr 19 min

We head to a magic school full of flickers, flares, fluxers, flyers, and fuzzies and our special guest Surena Marie (@SurenaXMarie). Best friends Nory and Reina can't wait to improve their magical skills at a prestigious school, until Reina discovers this school wants everyone to arrive perfect and Nory has what's called "Upside-Down Magic." Fortunately, with the help of some new misfit friends and a Hot Hagrid, they end up teaching this stuffy old academy a thing or two. Tell us which power you'd like to have at @ITDVPodcast on twitter!
Aug 18, 2022
1 hr 22 min

We're joined by Chris Grace (@chrisgracecomedy) to discuss not only the Zombies we know and love, but WEREWOLVES!!!! Addison doesn't fit in at all because she has *gasp* white hair, could it be because she's the alpha werewolf!? If figuring out her identity weren't enough, she and Zed struggle to make their new relationship work while he runs for school President against Bucky and Addison positions herself to be cheer captain. Allegories or possibly simply reading too far into the plot abound! Do you think the dance moves in this film LIVE up to the first? Tell us @ITDVPodcast on twitter!
Aug 11, 2022
1 hr 8 min
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