Inside Out   With Your Host Devapriya Podcast

Inside Out With Your Host Devapriya

kriya concious
Hii i share with the world what has helped me to have an awesome life .. manifest all your dreams by allowing the divine in your life .. how we can achieve this ... The steps .. the obstacles of the mind and body .. everything about making Byyour life awesome ..
What is conciousness??
What exactly is the word conciousness mean .... Perceiving something beyond your 5 senses can be explained as a concious state ... The world is waking up to this ... Because it is the realm of the mirackle.. yes it is possible... Mirackles can become your part of life when you touch your conciousness...
Aug 16, 2021
12 min
How to conciously handle a bad past situation which haunts you ...
We all get hurt by hurting others or someone hurt us almost all the time .. but sometimes few situations get really out of control in our life that we really dont know how to handle the situation .. for many days it haunts us .. how much ever u try to get over u just cannot .. untill u decide to take your life in your hands and realise that everyrhinf is fluid .. nothing is permanent or never gonna change .. evrything is possible .. just set the roght intention .. and practise this method of embracing anyyhing and everything .. u will start noticing how you can take charge of the moment and that in that moment is everything ...
Aug 15, 2021
12 min
Be concious and aware of what you feed your 5 senses with
By being concious and choosing right we can improve our life drastically .. to transcend beyond our 5 senses is spirituality but to first be aware of the 5 senses and how they influence us evryday can be a breakthrough .. come on let us all wake up together to conciousness .. time is now ..
Aug 14, 2021
20 min
Suffering is created by you to yoursefl!!
People suffer in various ways every moment ... A repetitive thought pattern puts you on a suffering mode for life .. and you may feel like life is a prison .. you can break free from this .. but first to realise that we are creating this can help you understand your possibilities !!
Aug 14, 2021
8 min