Higher Jiu Jitsu Stories Show
Higher Jiu Jitsu Stories Show
Higher Jiu Jitsu
The HJJ Stories Show brings to light the joys of Gracie Jiu Jitsu for the everyday people that learn at our school.
#020 Love On the Mats w/ Isabella Polines
Welcome back to the HJJStories Show once again! Mr Brad Hampson was doing a great job with this feed until he decided to leave us and go home to Perth.  Now, what better time to reboot it than Now! :) Our next guest is no other than Higher student and Kids assistant Ms Isabella Polines! It was a fun chat we had, discussing her rich history with different martial arts, her experience at various gyms around Sydney, and also what it's like to train and learn with your partner - in Bella's case Higher Jiu Jitsu blue belt legend Benny Marks.  Overall, it was a great chat and we hope you enjoy listening! Coach John
Apr 2, 2020
1 hr 6 min
#019 Be Here Now w/ AJ Bhardwaj
AJ started at Higher Jiu Jitsu with the intention of building on what he already knew. Little by little, he realised this wasn't enough. He couldn't keep improving without giving in to the process. So he surrendered, adjusted his attitude to training, gave in to the learning, and everything changed. A brilliant conversation and hopefully one you enjoy listening to!
Feb 21, 2019
1 hr
#018 Start with Why w/ Jamil Ispahany
Coach John talks to HJJ student Jamil. Growing up in a rough part of Sydney, Jamil was encouraged into the martial arts by his dad. From Kung Fu to boxing to Kali, Jamil has done it all. Early on, he was asked - 'Why?' This stuck, and he searched, and he trained, and he questioned. Then he found Higher Jiu Jitsu. This is his story.
Feb 14, 2019
1 hr 11 min
#017 Girls in Gis w/ Emma Gibson & Phoebe Lawrie
Brad sits down with Emma and Phoebe to discuss their recent competition at Australian Girls in Gi.  Phoebe shares her jiu jitsu story to date, and Emma talks about her excitement and expectations around her upcoming blue belt test.
Jan 24, 2019
54 min
#016 Leverage Jiu Jitsu w/ Phil Grapsas & John Smallios
Brad and John sit down with Phil Grapsas, the head instructor of Leverage Jiu Jitsu to discuss his jiu jitsu journey. Phil has been training jiu jitsu since February 1999 and is a black belt under Pedro Sauer.  Phil Grapsas has been instrumental with helping John get Higher Jiu Jitsu off the ground. He has been a coach, confidant and friend of John's for several years now and his jiu jitsu and coaching ability is respected by everyone invovled with Higher Jiu Jitsu and the Pedro Sauer Association. Enjoy.
Jan 17, 2019
1 hr 36 min
#015 Impermanence of Jiu Jitsu w/ Josh Martin
Josh has been training with Higher Jiu Jitsu since he started jiu jitsu.  He has committed his time and efforts to learning jiu jitsu the right way. Accordingly, he has been promoted to blue belt recently. This is his story! Oss.
Jan 10, 2019
55 min
#014 Part 3 - A Lifetime On The Mats w/ Andrew Nerlich
In the third and final episode Andrew outlines the details of a road rage incident and ensuing publicity that he was involved with in early 2018. Enjoy.
Dec 27, 2018
59 min
#014 Part 2 - A Lifetime On The Mats w/ Andrew Nerlich
This episode of the podcast is part 2 of a 3 part series with Andrew Nerlich. This episode constitutes the last 20 years of martial arts training that Andrew has undertaken. Primarily involving Wing Chun and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Stay tuned for part 3 of the 3 part series which will be released next week. Oss.
Dec 24, 2018
2 hr 26 min
#014 Part 1 - A Lifetime On The Mats w/ Andrew Nerlich
With over 40 years of experience Andrew Nerlich is a life long martial artist. Andrew has a gold sash in Wing Chun and a first degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. This episode of the podcast is Part 1 of a 3 part series featuring Andrew Nerlich. Part 1 - covers the first 20 years of Andrew's martial arts training. Part 2 - covers the second 20 years of Andrew's martial arts training. Part 3 - outlines a road rage incident that made national television in 2018 where Andrew was a victim. Part 3 concludes with some advice that Andrew has for martial arts practitioners that are early in their journey. Please tune in and enjoy.
Dec 13, 2018
57 min
#013 Roots of Higher w/ John Smallios
Brad sits down with the head instructor and owner of Higher Jiu Jitsu, John Smallios. This episode explores the journey of John's path to starting Higher Jiu Jitsu and becoming affiliated with the Pedro Sauer Association. It includes all things Higher Jiu Jitsu and is absolutely one episode that every listener of this podcast should tune into. Oss.
Dec 6, 2018
1 hr 53 min
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