Higher Jiu Jitsu Stories Show
Higher Jiu Jitsu Stories Show
Higher Jiu Jitsu
#020 Love On the Mats w/ Isabella Polines
1 hour 6 minutes Posted Apr 2, 2020 at 3:09 pm.
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Welcome back to the HJJStories Show once again!

Mr Brad Hampson was doing a great job with this feed until he decided to leave us and go home to Perth. 

Now, what better time to reboot it than Now! :)

Our next guest is no other than Higher student and Kids assistant Ms Isabella Polines!

It was a fun chat we had, discussing her rich history with different martial arts, her experience at various gyms around Sydney, and also what it's like to train and learn with your partner - in Bella's case Higher Jiu Jitsu blue belt legend Benny Marks. 

Overall, it was a great chat and we hope you enjoy listening!

Coach John