She Who Wins Podcast
She Who Wins
She Who Wins
She Who Wins
She Who Wins
Renee Bauer is an international speaker, author, and founder of the She Who Wins Summit, an empowerment event created to inspire, motivate and challenge women to move forward bravely in their personal and business lives. Renee is an accomplished businesswoman with results in breakthrough marketing and business strategy as well as equipping others to do the same through her Mastermind. Her impact has been recognized by Success Magazine where she was nominated as a Woman of Influence and with awards such as Litigator of the Year, Women-Owned Business of the Year, and New Leaders in the Law. Renee has been featured in multiple media outlets such as the International Business Times, Comment Central, AP News, NBC, FOX, and iHeart Radio. She is the founder of Happy Even After Family Law, one of the most recognizable and reputable law firms in the state of Connecticut, which she has grown to multiple seven-figures with a roster of countless high-net-worth clients.
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a year ago
September 29, 2023
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