Nap Meditations Podcast

Nap Meditations
Our Nap Meditations are perfect for when you need to recharge, relieve stress or simply enjoy a guided nap experience and relax deeply. Simply get comfortable, slip on your headphones and drift off with one of our wonderful guided nap meditations. Get more episodes and no ads by subscribing to our premium feed at
Nap Meditation - My Blank Canvas
Join us on Patreon at  We all have the ability to imagine and create! In this guided nap meditation you'll imagine yourself having all the talent and abilities you need to paint a beautiful picture. Each time you listen, you can create a different work or art as you relax and drift off into a lovely 20 minute nap.
Jun 18
46 min
Love and Relaxation - Nap Meditation
Take some time for yourself to let go of negativity and feel relaxed and loved. This powerful 15 minute Nap meditation will leave you alert and feeling great, so you can enjoy the rest of your day!  Get more nap meditaitons with a premium subscription at  
Jun 14
15 min
Steps To Tranquility Nap Meditation
Share our podcast with your friends or join us on Patreon at for ad free listening. Imagine yourself walking down a set of 5 steps, with each step leading you into a deeper and deeper state of relaxation. In the room at the bottom of the steps is a big comfy recliner that you can sit in and take a nap for awhile. Enjoy about 30 minutes of nap time, then I'll awaken you once again so you can enjoy the rest of your day or evening.
Jun 11
47 min
Energy Clearing Nap Meditation
Relax in a clearing by a babbling stream as you enjoy the sounds of nature around you and take a wonderful nap. Approximate nap time with no speaking is about 20 minutes, this session is approximately 32 minutes total. Listen to our Guided Nap Meditations without Ads or Promotions by subscribing to our Premium Channel at
Jun 6
32 min
The Sailboat Siesta Nap Meditation
GET MORE NAPS without ads at In this NAP edition you'll be awakened at the end of the meditation. Imagine that the Sailboat in this meditation is your vessel. For some time it hasn't received the TLC it needs to be the best it can be.  This boat needs cleaning, sanding, painting and maintenance work but you won't have to do it alone. Soon it will be like new and ready to take you anywhere you want to go.
Jun 4
1 hr 3 min
A Stress Oasis - Nap Meditation
Relax and let your stress melt away as you drift off into a wonderful 20 minute nap. You'll awaken refreshed and ready to enjoy the rest of your day or evening! Listen to our Nap Meditations using your favourite podcast player app without Ads at  
May 29
35 min
Dial it down and relax - A Guided Nap Meditation
This relaxing nap meditation offers 30 minutes of soothing nap time. Take a short walk to the end of a hallway and reach the door that leads within. Inside you'll discover a control panel and locate the dial labeled relaxation. Adjusting the dial will help you relax deeply until you drift off into a wonderful 30 minute nap. Support the creation of more Nap Meditations and listen without ads! Subscribe on Patreon today at 
May 28
52 min
10 Minute Power Nap
Enjoy a nice relaxing power nap in just 10 minutes anytime you want to recharge and feel refreshed!  Visit our Patreon Page for way more ad free premium nap meditations.  
May 23
10 min
Deep Blue Scuba Diving Fantasy Nap Meditation
Imagine yourself scuba diving in the Caribbean, it's that time of year when the whales are here and you can hear them singing in the distance as you glide over a tropical reef. With each deep inhalation and exhalation you'll relax more deeply until you drift off into a lovely nap.  You'll be awakened at the end of this meditation, so you can enjoy the rest of your day or evening.
May 21
47 min
Stop Worrying Nap Meditation
We all worry about things from time to time, but do you worry too much about stuff that may never even happen? In this nap meditation we'll learn to look at the things we worry about from a different perspective all while relaxing and enjoying a 30 minute nap as well. Join us for ad free listening on PATREON
May 16
37 min
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