It's Beyond the Food
It's Beyond the Food
Stephanie Dodier
via Podcasts
Great Reminders
I love the frequent reminders to show myself the compassion I so freely give to others!
Always fills my soul!
Stephanie has the ability to blend personal experience with professional coaching in such a impressive way! Each episode has been relatable and impactful! I highly recommend this show for anyone that’s in their self-acceptance era of their life!
princess e
Stephanie is changing the diet industry
I love how Stephanie is taking a stand to change the diet industry! I’m so excited to have her on the Health Coach Nation Podcast. The tips and guests on this show are well worth the listen. Keep up the great work Stephanie!
So informative and helpful
As an Intuitive Eating Coach that continues to also work in her food freedom journey Stephanie has been so helpful. Her information is gold and she over delivers each time! I learned so much from her podcast.
Changed my rating
I used to really like Stephanie‘s podcast. However, now it seems that she spends a lot of time bragging about her life and her success instead of helping others try to achieve the same. I am happy that she has achieved so much, but it just seems over-the-top lately. Also, I cannot afford to spend close to $1000 on one of her programs.
Life Changing!
Stephanie has this amazing way of sharing her self and all information she has learned along the way in her journey. Thank you THANK YOU Stephanie for loving yourself enough to help us do the same ♥️
Awesome podcast!
Stephanie, host of the Going Beyond the Food podcast, highlights all aspects of nutriton and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Just wow
This person claims to use science to say that sugar addiction isn’t real. Ok. Gambling is considered an addiction but not a white powder that we put into our bodies. It is incredibly dismissive to the addiction community to not include something that science HAS proven. Look at any neuroscientist studying the brain and they will tell you food addiction is a real thing.
So inspiring and informative! Love it!
I am loving this podcast! Stephanie packs every episode with tons of amazing content, guests, and interviews that will motivate, uplift and inspire you. I highly recommend!
Stacey Shapiro
This podcast inspires!
I love Stephanie's personality and how she brings it to the show. This is such a feel good podcast!!!!
Marisa J2
This is an excellent podcast! I first saw Stephanie on Instagram and her words are life changing! Listen. You will not regret it.
Stephanie has the perfect balance of lived experience and expertise. She is extremely knowledgeable and professional in her communication and her style is so engaging. She offers practical tips on how to change thinking and behaviors. She is a true leader in the fight against diet culture and fat phobia! If you’re going to listen to a podcast on this topic, this one should be at the top of your list.
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super blessed and loving life
Stephanie, you are SO inspiring 🤩
I love this podcast and the support Stephanie offers as I shift my mindset and recover from the trauma caused by the diet culture. I’m not there yet, but I’m well on my way and I feel as if she is walking with me every step of the way! Amazing high-value, actionable information is provided here! Thank you! ❤️
eye opening!
I specifically listened to episode 199. Good or Bad Food: Healthy versus Unhealthy Food? It really changed my perspective on how we look at foods. It’s not about the food. It’s about how you feel. We have the power to choose which foods we want to eat, regardless of what it is. The goal is to eat things that make you feel good! Definitely recommend listening.
She is the best!
Life Changer! I strongly recommend Stephanie’s podcasts to anyone who has tried a diet. She just makes sense. It is that simple. I am so blessed to have found her!
These are the best podcasts!
Going Beyond the Food podcasts are the best I’ve heard in this topic area. Not only am I nodding my head the whole time because Stephanie is describing me perfectly in many episodes, but I’m also learning so much! I would highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is interested in learning how to change their perspective around diets and their body!
Thank you
I could not have discovered this podcast at a better time. Thank you, thank you, thank you for providing this platform. Life changing for me.
Stephanie has given me a new perspective on what it means to live in diet culture. Here’s to the change we have all been waiting for!
Great listen!
Love the perspective, love the support and love the information! So glad I found this podcast.
Love this podcast
I was referred to this podcast recently and its exactly was i was missing I am so thankful for the work and live Stephanie puts into her work. I know I am only at the beginning of my journey and i am so thankful i found her.
DR Montana
Fantastic Podcast!!
My therapist recommended that I listen to this podcast and I am so glad that she did. I am recovering from an eating disorder and Stephanie’s teachings of body acceptance and respect really resonate with me. I love the take a ways at the end of each episode. Whether Stephanie is doing a solo cast or has a guest, her podcast fantastic and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in exploring their relationship with their body, beyond the food.
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Amazing podcast
Stephanie is an amazing teacher & a gifted speaker! She brings knowledge and compassion to this platform. This podcast is a must for me each and every week
Really helping me see the “other” side of dieting
Gives so much great information to help dispel beliefs about how we relate our worth with our diet. Gives tools to help us in LiFe journey vs Diet journey . Started listening 2 years ago off and on- now I’m a consistent listener.
Awesome Podcast!!
Stephanie, host of The Beyond Food Show, highlights all aspects of health, wellness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Brooke Craven
Insightful and real
Stepahie gets real about diet culture adn how it can sabotage feelings and behaviors around food. Great resource for healing and awareness!
Great podcast
Hi Stephanie, just a quick note to say your podcast is spot on. From one nutrition professional who teaches women to stop dieting to another, I’m happy to recommend your podcast to my clients. Keep up the good work! Bonnie R. Giller, RDN
Bonnie R. Giller
Ritzfit- Great value and a great perspective on eating!
The first thing that I have to say is that I love Stephanie's perspective on food and the way we consume food as modern day humans. Most content out there tells you what to eat and what not to eat. The Beyond Food Show provides information backed by science as to why we over eat, why we're addicted to food, and why we crave specific food. She offers great value and tips on how to recognize these issues and resolve these problems without being on a strict diet.
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Louis Frank
Will Cole
I stumbled across this podcast while listening to a podcast on keto and they interviewed Dr Cole I was so intrigued by his information because I suffer from inflammation and that’s what got me into trying keto. WOW the information he provided was amazing and he explained things so simply. It’s got me thinking more about microbiome. I look forward to listening to more of your podcasts
Stephanie will change your life
I cannot speak more highly of Stephanie and her podcast. Her wisdom, compassion, honesty, experience, vulnerability, and tough love combine to form a powerful and life altering resource in every episode!!
Genuine, caring and compassionate
I have just started my journey of becoming a better me when I discovered Stephanie’s podcast about a month ago. She has an absolutely fantastic way of putting into words what I have felt and the thoughts running through my head. I love that Stephanie focuses on the individual and helps show that love and compassion are what we need to have for ourselves, everything else will fall into place I am truly excited to continue my journey of self improvement and self discovery with Stephanie in my corner. Much love and respect!
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Such a blessing
Loving this podcast. Thankful for her words and the message.
New way to think about food!
I’ve been searching for a Podcast that addresses disordered eating and food issues and everywhere came up short until I discovered The Beyond The Food Show. Others make it sound easy (just eat what you want! Sunshine and rainbows!) but Steph breaks it down like it really is, and actually gives me tools to work on for the week to address my issues. This is TOUGH stuff, and she truly is one of the only Podcasters that acknowledges that. I’m so grateful to have found her show.
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You dont know what you dont know, and I didnt know
Stephanie Dodier and her podcast (Beyond the Food) has changed so much of my life of the past month that I think others may benefit from her as well. I was at a loss with myself on how to gain control over food. I have the mentality that I can workout until the cows come home, but you can't outrun a bad diet, overeating, emotional eating, or binging. Trust me I have tried everything from weight watchers, fasting, low carb, and calorie tracking and it always leads back to the same falling off the wagon outcome. A fitness group that I am in suggested I try listening to the Beyond the Food podcast and everything just started to flow for me. Stephanie talks about how your failed diets are, "not your fault. You only know what you know. If you knew what the solution was to your “problem” you would have applied it by know and been successful, right? Here’s the secret: the solution is not in your zone of awareness yet… You don’t know what you don’t know." What didn't I know yet... that my eating habits were emotions just trying to come out but I didn't want to feel those emotions so I fought them with food. I know it sounds simple but the brain is much more complex than you may think. Your subconscious mind (90% of your mind) will always win over your conscious mind (10% of your mind) and you want to guess where your bad eating habits reside? Thanks to Stephanie's podcast I have stopped tracking my food intake and I am learning not to fear hunger but acknowledge my hunger vs cravings. I have stopped having the mentality of this is day 1 of my diet or falling off the wagon and the crazy thing is, even though I am not on a special diet or tracking food I am still losing weight and becoming a lot closer with my mind and body connection. I highly suggest starting with episode 121, then episode 126 for a really good taste of what she is all about.
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Real talk about real eating challenges
What I love about Stephanie is that she is really talking about balancing healthy eating and understanding and learning to manage emotional eating. I have been searching for years for someone who understands nutrition and the value of it while also understanding emotional eating and how to deal with it. I have been doing Keto for a few months now, and Stephanie has helped me to keep going even when I end up having a bad day and eating poorly. I am learning to just breathe, meditate, and just move through it instead of getting into the all or nothing thinking. Her podcasts are very informative, fun to listen to, and definitely a great way to spend a commute!
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Helpful podcast
This podcast has been very helpful to my weight issues. So glad I stumbled upon it.
I have been listened nag to Stephanie’s podcast for multiple month. I have even gone back and listened to the previous episodes from before I started listening. I appreciate her philosophy. I like her interview style. I really like the topics and guests she brings on. The information is hitting home and making a difference in my life!
I just listend to Episode 15. And I love Stephanie's enthusiam, but I don't trust this. I am physically and emotionally addicted to salt, fat, sugar, carbs. I don't understand how I get from here to there. The suggestion to only eat real food, and to ready lables for the number of ingrediants, is way way easier said than done. I work full time, divorced, have two kids and scrape by. And she says this isnt a diet but I think i have heard her refer to Keto, which i dont really know what it is, but if you google it it comes up as a diet. So....I will listen to the 2nd podcast, and continue to check out what she sends me via email. But, well, I am skeptical.
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Very rich!
I love this podcast. I stumbled upon it from listening to the spa dr interviewing Stephanie. My whole life has always revolved around food and body image. I’m very grateful for Stephanie’s work and the wealth of information that she relays. Rock on, sister!
Way To Go!
Yes! Stephanie gets it right! Finally, women and men can be free from the viscous dieting cycle that is so self-defeating and doesn't work. This podcast is such a breath of fresh air, but real and honest and will profoundly help people everywhere.
Soul Deep Expeditions
More than the food
Heath. HEALTH. It's more than the number on the scale, and Stephanie gives tons of information with lovely guests to remember: It's about our total health. Let's Do This!
A wonderful podcast
Stephanie’s podcast should be listened to by every woman whose ever been on a diet. Such an empowering podcast!!!
Fantastic Podcast
I love Stephanie’s sensible attitude toward health and down to earth style of communication. I pick up something new and helpful during each podcast and interview. I’m a fan.
Smart & Sane
Love me some Stephanie. She's smart, experienced and not caught up in the b.s.
Raising Helene
All you need
Seriously. Best podcast host, hands down. Start HERE, with Stephanie and the gang, if you are looking for a understandable and deeper meaning behind food cravings. The Crave Cure Formula will help you.
Real healing that is truly beyond the food...
Stephanie is a true gift in the nutrition space. Such an open heart. 💗 Eating 'perfectly' and working out is not enough! We need to dare to go deeper and this podcast gives you the insight and tools to get there....absolutely love it!
Great topics -love this show!
I love your show soooooo much! I just pre-ordered Keto Freedom!!! Woo-hoo Thank you for your show. It is so real and so helpful!
I just discovered this podcast after listening to Stephanie on Healthful pursuit. I'm so excited!!!!! This is a perfect podcast to help me in my new journey into healing my eating disorder and new road into fasting and ketogenic diet. I'm 51 years old and finally getting a grip on my life. I love listening to Stephanie. She is answering all of my questions. I am over the moon excited to binge listen to all of the episodes that I have missed. Stephanie is saving lives! Thank you thank you thank you😘😘😘😘😘
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Keto wonderful
Fantastic info and top quality guests. I have been Keto for 19 months and still learning.
Cat Condon
A whole new paradigm
I subscribe to many podcasts about health, nutrition, and weight loss. I have been ketogenic off and on for many years including testing my blood ketones and IF. I have yet to lose weight despite my most strenuous efforts. I stumbled across this podcast and have been greatly impressed. I feel that the paradigm shift regarding this issue is critical (i.e. the mind-body connection). For me anyway, it truly is not about the food which I am finally realizing. My cravings have decreased dramatically since practicing these principles. I highly recommend this podcast and look forward to seeing these techniques work in my life as I believe they will. Stephanie, don't forget about your post-menopausal audience out there. We are here:)
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Stephanie is so real, so down to earth, so open and honest. She truly wants to help others. Her teachings help with connecting your mind and body in every aspect of your life. Her guests reinforce her belief that it is beyond the food! Pick any podcast and you are going to learn something new about the way you think, feel and connect with yourself. Great job, Stephanie!!
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