It's Beyond the Food
It's Beyond the Food
Stephanie Dodier
Welcome to the feminist well-being podcast! Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. We beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. New episodes drop every Tuesday and bonus episodes when available on Thursday. Your host Stephanie Dodier is a Non-Diet Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Cognitive Behavorial Coach. She earned a PhD in diet culture at the age of 40 after graduating from a 25 years dieting career. This podcast has been helping women since 2016.
394-How I Coach Self-Sabotage
“I never realized self-sabotage was a cry for safety.” 🤯 A fresh perspective on self-sabotage in this podcast episode. Learn how to turn self-sabotage into a stepping stone for personal growth! What you'll learn listening to this episode: Why self-sabotage isn't a sign of weakness, but a cry for safety How diet culture and perfectionism fuel self-sabotaging behaviors Practical steps to reframe self-sabotage and foster personal growth Mentioned in the show: Free Resources and Training Work With Me
Jun 10
20 min
393-Work-Life Balance Is a Scam with Unyime Oguta
"Work-life balance? That's just a shiny scam to keep you on the hamster wheel!" - Unyime Oguta 🔥 Stop chasing the impossible. Discover how "self-ish" motherhood can transform your life on this latest episode of the podcast. 🌟 What you'll learn listening to this episode: Why work-life balance is an unrealistic expectation for working moms How to make peace with being "self-ish" in motherhood Why your baseline should be high maintenance Mentioned in the show: Free Resources and Training Work With Me Connect with our Guest: Website - Unyime Instagram - Unyime
Jun 3
46 min
392-Fatphobia: How I Handle It
Have you ever felt the sting of fatphobia and weight discrimination? In this episode of It’s Beyond The Food, I get raw and real about my journey from internalized shame to embracing my body as a catalyst for change. What you'll learn listening to this episode on fatphobia-how I handle it: The harsh realities of weight stigma in society How I overcame internalized fat-shaming Practical steps to deal with fatphobia powerfully Mentioned in the show: Free Resources and Training Work With Me
May 27
27 min
391-How to Overcome Binge Eating with Stefanie and Sarah of Life After Diets Podcast
Tired of being told to "just have more willpower" to stop binge eating?  Stefanie and Sarah of @LifeAfterDietsPodcast are calling BS. Stop blaming yourself and listen now for a real solution.  What you'll learn listening to this episode: The difference between compulsive and impulsive eating The role of the nervous system in creating and healing binge eating The importance of self-compassion and support in recovery Mentioned in the show: Free Resources and Training Work With Me Connect with our Guest: Website - Stefanie and Sarah Instagram - Stefanie and Sarah Facebook - Stefanie and Sarah
May 20
45 min
390-Your Brain On Patriarchy
Were you told to be a "good girl" growing up? That conditioning shapes our brains in powerful ways. In this episode, discover how the patriarchal mindset impacts women's well-being and learn to rewire your neural pathways for empowerment. It's time to break free!  What you'll learn listening to this episode on Your brain on patriarchy: Understand the difference between patriarchy (a system of beliefs) and men Discover how the "good girl" socialization trains women's brains to be people-pleasers. Gain insights into rewiring your brain to break free from patriarchal conditioning. Mentioned in the show: Free Resources and Training Work With Me
May 13
38 min
389-Aging Powerfully with Deb Benfield From Aging Body Liberation
This is the secret to aging powerfully (without buying into anti-aging BS) In this must-listen episode of the It’s Beyond The Food podcast, Deb Benfield of Aging Body Liberation drops truth bombs on embracing your changing body, dismantling diet culture's influence, and showing up fully at every age. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: How to recognize and unlearn the internalized ageism we’ve all been exposed to The importance of dismantling anti-fat bias alongside anti-aging culture  Practical tips for staying comfortable in your changing body as you age Mentioned in the show: Health At Every Size Health Sheets Free Resources and Training Connect with our Guest: Website - Deb Benfield Instagram - Deb Benfield Facebook - Deb Benfield
Apr 29
45 min
388-The #1 Mindset Holding You From Not Giving a F*ck About Your Body Looks
🔥 Are you tired of obsessing over how your body looks? Listen to this episode to discover the #1 mind-blowing mindset shift that will help you stop giving a f*ck! In this powerful episode, you'll learn: How to cultivate self-awareness to stop obsessing about body image The thought download exercise to identify limiting beliefs The power of changing thoughts to change reality You can find all the info and links about this episode at
Apr 22
19 min
387-When Body Positivity Doesn’t Work
This episode discusses the nuances between body positivity and body satisfaction, highlighting the issue of conflating body image with true satisfaction and well-being. The conversation, led by Stephanie Dodier, a non-diet nutritionist, certified intuitive eating counselor, and cognitive behavioral coach, along with guest Brie Campos, a licensed mental health counselor, delves into the origins of the body positivity movement and its transformation over time. They critique the diet culture's co-opting of body positivity, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of body image and its impact on individuals' mental health and self-esteem. The discussion unpacks the misguided equating of health with thinness and challenges societal norms around body image, advocating for a shift from external motivations to intrinsic self-esteem and personal well-being. They propose self-esteem work detached from physical appearance as a solution to the limitations of the body positivity movement, focusing on empowerment, autonomy, and a broader perspective of health that encompasses mental, emotional, and psychological dimensions. What you'll learn listening to this episode: The true definition and origins of body positivity, and how it has been misinterpreted Why body positivity alone is not an effective solution for healing our relationship with our bodies The importance of rebuilding self-esteem and redefining our worth beyond physical appearance The difference between "having to" and "wanting to" when it comes to self-care and wellness The understanding that body image work is a lifelong journey, requiring ongoing self-exploration and growth Mentioned in the show: Free Resources and Training Connect with our Guest: Website - Bri Campos Instagram - Bri Campos
Apr 15
54 min
386-Feminist Well-Being 1.0
In this episode, Stephanie discusses the concept of feminist well-being. Stephanie shares her journey from a traditional nutrition practice to founding her non-diet coaching certification business. She delves into her personal transformation through intuitive eating and cognitive behavior coaching, highlighting the impact of hiring a mindset coach and embracing feminist principles.  Stephanie critiques the traditional definitions of health, proposing a more inclusive and process-oriented view that accommodates diversity and addresses systemic issues affecting women's well-being. Introducing the concept of 'feminist well-being,' she encourages listeners to think critically about diet culture, patriarchy, and the role of their bodies, advocating for an understanding of well-being that encompasses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The episode concludes with an invitation for listeners to actively participate in redefining well-being and supporting the movement through engagement and critical thinking. What You'll learn listening to this episode: The limitations of traditional health-focused well-being - How to reframe well-being through an intersectional feminist lens - The importance of challenging societal expectations placed on women - Ways to reclaim our worth beyond the physical body - A holistic approach to well-being that goes beyond physical health Mentioned in the show: Free Resources and Training
Apr 8
39 min
385-Oprah, Weight Loss Drugs and Post-Show Analysis with Dr. Natalie Gentile
In this episode of 'It's Beyond the Food', host Stephanie Dodier, a non-diet nutritionist, certified intuitive eating counselor, and cognitive behavior coach, discusses the complexities of weight loss, diet culture, and the use of weight loss drugs. The episode critically analyzes a TV special by Oprah on her weight loss journey, drawing on input from Dr. Natalie Gentile, a board-certified family medicine and lifestyle medicine physician. The discussion explores the use and effectiveness of weight loss drugs such as Ozempic and Wegovy, the societal pressures that drive individuals towards these drugs, and the nuanced approach needed in treating obesity and related health issues. The episode also addresses the recent recommendations of weight loss drugs for children and the risks and ethical concerns surrounding such treatments. Furthermore, it critically evaluates the messaging around weight loss drugs and diet culture's impact on individual and societal perceptions of health and body image. What you'll learn listening to this episode on Oprah and Weight Loss Drugs: The truth behind claims that "obesity is a disease" and the "obesity gene" myth Potential benefits and risks of drugs like Ozempic from a medical perspective How internalized weight bias may drive the experience of drugs "turning off food obsession" Insights on the delicate balance of childhood weight loss interventions Mentioned in the show: Free Resources and Training Connect with our Guest: Website - Dr. Natalie Gentile Instagram - Dr. Natalie Gentile Facebook - Dr. Natalie Gentile
Apr 2
50 min
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