Get Happy Hour
Get Happy Hour
Carla Maree
learning to be unapologetically Enough with Carrie Severson
40 minutes Posted Apr 12, 2022 at 6:17 pm.
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Carrie is an author of Unapologetically Enough: Reshaping Success & Self-Love and the Chief Executive Officer of the Unapologetic Voice House, a hybrid book publishing business. Carrie has created several successful businesses, always putting her career first in search of external validation. She's a media darling, featured on more than 300 TV segments for her community work in Phoenix. When she turned 35, she surrendered to burnout and had to take a good, long look at her life as a single woman without her own children. She wrote Unapologetically Enough about her journey. She started the Unapologetic Voice House in 2019 after spending years pitching literary agents in the hopes of being published traditionally. All her rejection letters from literary agents compared her work to well-known authors. But because she didn’t have a big enough platform, agents always passed on her. Carrie used that pivot in life and launched her business. She can be reached at


  • Carrie talks about how her upbringing showcased that she didn’t have role models that could have helped her through her bullying childhood into adulthood where she was feeling burnout in her 30s. She talks about how to recentre her life and happiness to be a priority and helped her come out of burnout.
  • Carrie talks about unlayering to get to happiness and stillness. She made a list of tangible things to incorporate into her daily life.
  • Carrie talks about her egg-freezing journey but ended up with complications and had to rebuild her life and re-discovering who she was and to be happy with who she is.
  • As an entrepreneur, Carrie has created a hybrid publishing house and talks about helping women who don’t have a huge platform to share their stories.
  • Carrie’s definition of happiness is stillness.
  • Carrie’s morning routine is hydration, breathwork, meditation and gratitude practice.
  • Her top things that make her light up is her relationship with her husband, dance, and her book.
  • Her favourite meal is pizza
  • Carrie’s idol is Drew Barrymore – a fellow entrepreneur who has her hand in acting, directing, producing, a mother, and the beauty industry
  • Her fantasy dinner guests would be her grandparents
  • The things that make Carrie laugh are dog videos.