Get Happy Hour
Get Happy Hour
Carla Maree
Living a more abundant life with your host Carla Maree
37 minutes Posted Apr 26, 2022 at 10:02 pm.
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Carla Solo Episode Money Mindset

  • Carla is delving into the stories and limiting beliefs around money to the abundance and growth of it
  • Carla first tells us about her upcoming trip to Morocco and her latest books she’s read from breathwork and the importance of breathing in and out of her nose called Breath and Tony Robbins book Life Force and her dating faux pas.
  • “The moment you get paid, you always pay yourself first” – taking 10% of any income that comes in goes to a savings account that isn’t going to be touched that you will use for the future.
  • What is your money story? And what do you wish to do with it?
  • Thank your money and value it from a place of gratitude
  • Money is a circulation of life and give where you can, when you enter into a scarity mindset you have to stop those thoughts and think; is this a viewpoint I am coming from? I want to be coming from the abundance mindset
  • Print out or create a blank cheque with a value that you want and what it is for and put it in your wallet.
  • Affirmations around money can be helpful: “Increasingly I have abundance, above and beyond my needs. I have wealth in all areas of my life as I live and give in abundance. Thank you.”
  • “I love money, Money loves me. I love life, live loves me.”
  • “I am abundant and I can afford to buy whatever I choose.”
  • “I live a life of abundance.”
  • “Today I am so grateful for my abundance of money that I was able to buy…”
  • Opening a second bank account for things that bring you joy to bring you more into a fuller version of yourself – then you can save towards things like holidays, personal development etc


Book recommendations:

  • “Think and Grow Rich” by Napleon Hill
  • “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki
  • “Money Master Your Game” by Tony Robbins
  • “I’m a baddass on making money” by Jen Sincero
  • “Get rich, lucky bitch” by Denise Duffield-Thomas
  • “Soul of Money” by Lynne Twist, Cynthia Barrett et al