Get Happy Hour
Get Happy Hour
Carla Maree
Lets talk Happiness with your host Carla Maree
29 minutes Posted Mar 15, 2022 at 7:20 pm.
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Show notes

Carla solo episode podcast

  • Carla checks in with the listeners about what is happening in her world and discusses the importance of meditation and being detached when things are so unsettled with the floods in Australia
  • Carla has been feeling a call to spend more time in nature and travel and has started surfing lessons and has booked a trip to Morocco.
  • Bringing more music into her life has brought Carla more joy and dancing into her life.
  • Carla talks about her friend’s wedding and shares the love-story.
  • Carla discusses a couple of books that she has read - the biography of Will Smith and finds out about how much he has got into spirituality. Another book about the struggle with distraction and Tony Robbins book called Life Force about the technology of science.
  • Carla has been spending some time cooking and talks about some of her favourite salads.
  • Carla is taking a break from online dating and talks about her experiences with it.
  • Carla has been watching Inventing Anna on Netflix and seen her friend perform in theatre.
  • Carla guides us through some mindfulness meditation by asking us insightful questions to ensure we live a joyful life.

Book in with Carla for a free Happiness session