Get Happy Hour
Get Happy Hour
Carla Maree
Healing, mindfulness, business strategy and so much more with Molly Mandelberg
41 minutes Posted Mar 1, 2022 at 4:20 pm.
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Molly Mandelberg is uniquely qualified to help launch you from where you are now, to the next level of your business. From a long line of teachers, writers and preachers, Molly has an unusual combination of spiritual/visionary and high tech/practical/business savvy. She is an artist, a globe trotter, a writer, a speaker, a facilitator and a leader.

Whether you are stuck in procrastination, confusion or things just aren’t moving fast enough for you toward your goals, having empowering, kickass support may be just what you need. From content and design through streamlined global delivery systems, Molly Mandelberg may be the answer you’ve been looking for.




  • Molly mixes reiki and law of attraction together to create journey of access conscientiousness
  • Molly has been travelling most of her life and found this expands her horizon and found 7-8 years into a nomadic lifetime she came across Miracles Happen by Brian Weiss and attending his workshop and found that the ripple effect of that was impactful to her and her clients
  • Her work involves digital marketing, coaching and consulting to help other build their business and the other side is creating magic and impact as leaders
  • Tactical Magic is a practical podcast to help with scaling up of business and spiritual entrepreneurship and Reveal the Game of Life podcast is about elevating conscientiousness
  • Carla and Molly discuss the energy of money from how we view our relationship with it.
  • Noticing what your narrative is about money is something that is important to create awareness and create a positive list of what money has done for you. This will help re-wire how you feel about money.
  • Happiness is a choice and is gratitude according to Molly
  • Molly writes every morning in the form of gratitude, Think Up app with affirmations. Writing is her mental health go-to to help morning and evening
  • Travel, creating through writing and laughter are the things that make Molly’s heart sing
  • Molly’s fantasy meal would be Benihana. Oprah, Gary Douglas, and her late grandfather would be her fantasy dinner guests too
  • San Jose – String Cheese Incident is Molly’s favourite song that exudes happiness
  • The best ways to connect with Molly is to check out her podcasts and the offerings on her website


  • Miracles Happen: The Transformational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories – Brian Weiss
  • Illusions – Richard Bach
  • The Science of Trust – John Gotteman
  • Existential Kink – Carolyn Elliott
  • Rich as F*ck – Amanda Francis