EXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael Salla
EXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael Salla
Dr. Michael Salla
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In a proper world, this content would be mainstream media.
Michael Salla never fails
Every time I listen to an Exopolotics interview I think it can’t get better than this. Then my mind is blown again. The 4 part David Adair interview is incredible. Especially after reading Annie Jacobsen’s Operation Paperclip and Area 51 so I’m familiar with the key players David is talking about - Arthur Rudolph and General LeMay.
Sacha Stone interview
I have listened to this interview 3 times over, it resonated fully within me. With gratitude and love! 🙌🏻🤍⚡️⚡️⚡️
Two Truths and a Lie
I appreciate Dr. Salla’s “Week in Review” where he pulls headlines from all over the world and is able to link various forms of disclosure found in military reports, sightings backed by unadulterated footage and ancient texts. One thing I find impossible to understand is how Trump is painted as the savior, exposer of “the deep state”. As evident by all his actions and ongoing lies, Trump cares only about Trump. As we all know, the deep state cares nothing about political party affiliation, in the U.S., Republican and Democrat, and focuses on the elite. As long as we continue to allow ourselves to be distracted by division, we continue to be brainwashed back to sleep or worse, violent acts committed in the name of saving children. As an Air Force military brat raised on intelligence-training bases, I’ve been aware of the difference between what is widely reported by various forms of media and what is actually happening. Often I find myself listening and agreeing then a guest will go off on some tangent that discredits the entire interview.
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Priestess Kim
Fake News
Salla does nothing more than attempt to steer a narrative. I’m unsubscribing.
B. Hodges
Jon Stewart not the night host
This was a horrible episode. This guy was so hard to listen to. His ego is the size of Russia. Listening to him was like being assaulted. I didn’t get very far. Ugh!
blade run
I get so emotional when listening to JP. When he talked about visiting the ant people and meeting the Ant King I couldn’t stop crying . Thank you 🙏🏽
Get woke
Dr. Salla seams to be very knowledgeable about what’s happening behind the stages of world government and the secrets hidden from the general population . Great source of information if you care about who we are.
No Substance
Absolutely no substance. Flights of fancy, unsubstantiated in every way.
Dr. Salla offers multiple strong sources to support extraterrestrial presence in Earth’s history.
Strong supportive articles offer more threads to discover the complicated influences that have been buried inside American 21st century history.
Fascinating material
Cutting-edge concepts. Dr. Salla does a great job with the interviews.
Interview with Dr. Courtney Brown
Excellent interview with Dr. Brown of the Farsight Institute. His expertise and guidance on linear time and timeline thought was mind expanding. The power and relevance of Remote Viewing in our changing reality is a tether to the intangible, which we (humanity) have only begun to explore. This interview presented so much more to discuss! Can’t help but look forward to further interviews with Dr. Brown!
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this is how you know we are in the end of times. The deception is getting more attention than Yahweh himself. Have you been put in a mental hospital for what you are saying? No other book but the Bible had proven to be true. We still have 2 witnesses to see be raised from the dead. This will happen because it said so in the Bible. literally, everything that is happening now was predicted.
Love it!! Keep up the great work Michael, love the length of these podcasts too.
Elena D
Part 3 with Elena D is actually the same recording as part 2 - am eager to hear more when you get this fixed!
Excellent, Concise, Real Intel So Smartly Presented!!
Want to know what’s REALLY going on behind the scenes??? Dr. Michael Salla is fantastic with a soothing, easy to understand, global understanding of exopolitics…thank you!!!