EXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael Salla
EXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael Salla
Dr. Michael Salla
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A leading researcher, keynote speaker and best selling author in the fields of Exopolitics. Dr. Salla is a forerunner in the push to full disclosure of secret space programs, black budget projects, and the human ET agenda. These podcasts strive to reveal how this all relates to our past and current Political theater and the future of the human experiment. Stay informed. Visit us at Exopolitics.org | ExopoliticsToday.com and please Like Share and Subscribe. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
Summoning ETs, Out-of-Body Experiences & Consciousness Travel to the Stars
Dr. Franceen King had a UFO encounter in 1972 with her husband after telepathically summoning extraterrestrials while living in Washington DC. Her interest in paranormal phenomena and consciousness studies led to her meeting with famed Israeli psychic Uri Geller and Dr. Andrija Puharich before the 1974 publication of Uri. She read Robert Monroe’s first book, Journeys Out of Body, soon after its 1971 release, which provided a road map for out-of-body experiences and consciousness expansion. Dr. King’s interest in Out of Body experiences led to her becoming an instructor with the Monroe Institute in 1986. She has since led over 360 retreats in Virginia and around the world that involve consciousness expansion and out-of-body experiences. She has developed three Starlines courses all of which prepare individuals for Out of Body experiences deep into space and other galaxies. Dr. Michael Salla recently completed a Starlines course and in this interview they discuss the many benefits of individuals using their consciousness to travel through space to encounter extraterrestrial life and celestial bodies. The Monroe Institute Website is:    www.monroeinstitute.org --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
Jun 17
1 hr 20 min
Remote Viewing CERN, ET Civilizations on Earth, Quantum Vacuum Energy and the Great Awakening
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 15, 2024  Topics Dick Allgire's Future Forecasting Group remote views what’s really happening at CERN 3 Months to GSIC Conference Discovered Lost Tapes Confirm ET Contact and Secret Space Program claims by French Experiencer Nassim Haramein explains abundance of quantum vacuum energy that surrounds us. Roundtable discussion by male presenters at Sept 27-29 GSIC Conference Latest developments about the Jupiter Accords, the Artemis Accords, the Hub, safety zones & how this impacts the galactic slave trade. A UAP Caucus of over 80 Japanese legislators that includes former Defense Ministers has been formed to investigate UFOs as an important national security threat. "Hidden UFO civilization could be on Earth,” according to Harvard University researchers A deal between Russia and China to establish an International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) first agreed to in 2022 has just been ratified by Russia's Parliament and signed into law by President Putin. A militarized version of SpaceX's Starlink is to be acquired soon by the Pentagon to form a global satellite communication network. The Secret History of Deep Underground Military Bases & the Great Awakening Donald Trump says he has been told by credible military personnel about UFOs flying 4 times faster than fighter jets. The Secretary of the Dept of Energy substitutes the word "Drone'" for UFO and admits they are a national security problem at nuclear facilities. Ancient ET Gods Among Us Today Webinar is Today These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/michaelsalla --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
Jun 15
56 min
The Secret History of Deep Underground Military Bases & the Great Awakening
Gene D. (pseudonym) is a 20+ year US Navy veteran who served on five classes of submarines during his military career where he attained a senior NCO rank. In 1992 he had a Near Death Experience in which he received information downloads from the celestial realm about how Earth is run by dark forces, and also enhanced abilities such as remote viewing. He soon after retired from the US Navy and has ever since been researching anomalous phenomenon and exposing the elite groups, both human and extraterrestrial, secretly running our planet. In his first Exopolitics Today interview, Gene D. discusses his naval background and a detailed paper he wrote about the history of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs), and the key figures involved in revealing the truth. He is optimistic that despite the long control global elites (Deep State) have had over our planet using DUMBs and other extraterrestrial-related resources, the truth is being slowly revealed through the great awakening that is happening in the US and around our planet. Gene D. website is https://www.genedecode.org/ --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
Jun 13
1 hr 48 min
Discovered Lost Tapes Confirm ET Contact & SSP claims by French Experiencer
In 1988/1989, when only 18 years old, Jean Charles Moyen recorded an audio file of his experiences as a “starseed” who had incarnated on Earth with powerful psychic abilities and frequent contact experiences with his extraterrestrial “family”. He described some of his telekinetic and teleportation experiences, as well as threats by the mysterious Men In Black who knew about his origins and abilities. In 1992, one year after completing compulsory military service for France, and secretly returning from a “20 and back” program from 1991 to 2011, Moyen went on a popular French radio show hosted by Jimmy Guieu, who has been compared to the legendary Art Bell. He described to Guieu, his experiences with extraterrestrials at a military base formerly used by the US Air Force, witnessing a triangle-shaped UFO that was likely part of the secret space program he served on, and again being threatened by the Men in Black. After suffering a Near Death Experience and losing some of his memories, Moyen forgot all about his recorded tapes. After coming forward with his first interview to the English-speaking world in Dec 2021 on Exopolitics Today, Moyen has shared many more details about his “20 and back” service with a joint US-French secret space program. Rather than contriving his memories from previous secret space program witnesses dating back to Michael Relfe in 2000 and Randy Cramer in 2014, as some debunkers contend, what the two lost tapes conclusively show is that as a teenager in 1988 and a young adult in 1992, Moyen was already sharing key details of his incredible experiences as a contactee and SSP participant for posterity. Critically, Moyen had befriended and shared key details of his experiences with Guieu who visited Moyen at his family home and met his parents to corroborate the former's incredible stories. Jean Charles Moyen has prepared a trailer and documentary video of the discovery of the two lost tapes which is available here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thesecretrecords/952568189?autoplay=1 Moyen’s website is: https://www.jcmoyen.com/en --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
Jun 10
59 min
Children with abilities, CIA-run Black Budgets, Ancient Gods and the Multiverse
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 8, 2024  Topics A new pro-UFO disclosure organization has been created with former intel/mil officials playing a prominent role. Jean Charles Moyen has found old audio tapes from 1988 and 1992 where he discusses his extraterrestrial contacts and paranormal experiences. Rep Anna Luna discusses Congressional efforts to learn about UAP-related events at Eglin AFB and the role of Men in Black to stymie the investigation. Trailer - Ancient ET Gods Among Us Today - Exopolitical Implications Coast to Coast AM interview discussing Ancient Egyptian connection to extraterrestrials and what I learned from my recent trip to Egypt Fascinating information about Clipper Mission to Europa, history of Saturn, ET-Earth Alliance trade agreements, black goo, Anunnaki, etc., in this latest edition of Elena Danaan's Star Nations News Golden Pyramids, Ascension and Human Liberation: Interview with Scott Lemriel Update on the Atlantic Overwatch Project by Ruezo Zanrico who is analyzing ship activity near where the Atlantic Space Ark lies underwater. Billy Carson shares the Sumerian story of Adapa in his interview with Joe Rogan Recruitment of children with special abilities by the mil-intel community has been happening for many decades. Duran Interview with Prof Jeffrey Sachs lacks exopolitical perspective JP Update 34 – Mission to Ancient Biodome with Extinct Plant Life Japanese lawmakers have created their own UFO study group to discuss UAP sightings as possible national security threats. In his keynote presentation to Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, Ross Coulthart, an award winning Australian investigative journalist discusses his journey to accepting the reality of UFOs and a high level official cover up. William Cooper's claims in lectures he gave in the early 1990s about US govt and alien treaties were ahead of the times and widely debunked by most UFO researchers. The Calvine UFO photo from 1990 showing a 100 foot long diamond-shaped craft has only recently re-emerged. Human trafficking is a huge source of revenue for the CIA-run black budget that funds DUMBs and SSPs These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/michaelsalla  Aka https://X.com/michaelsalla --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
Jun 8
50 min
JP Update 34 – Mission to Ancient Biodome with Extinct Plant Life
On May 30, 2024, JP, along with two military colleagues, were taken to a biodome in an unknown location. They traveled there via a large military base in Florida, which had a garage-sized white room with a portal doorway into the biodome. JP and his companions were first given a substance to drink that made them more alert and relaxed before entering the white room, which began vibrating. Once inside the dome, JP, along with a botanist and another soldier, traveled through the dome sampling different fruits and observing the plants, some of which could move like Venus fly traps to catch small prey. JP believed the biodome was located off-planet, possibly under the Moon.  The biodome was very similar to one JP traveled to on October 19, 2015, prior to joining the US Army. The 2015 dome belonged to a group of Nordic extraterrestrials suggesting a similar origin to the biodome he visited on May 30. The 2015 incident is described in Chapter 4 of US Army Insider Missions, Vol 1.  For articles, updates and books featuring JP, visit: https://exopolitics.org/jp-articles-photos-videos/ JP’s Instagram account is at: https://www.instagram.com/jp.missions/ His YouTube account is: https://www.youtube.com/@JPjpJP1 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
Jun 6
54 min
Golden Pyramids, Ascension and Human Liberation
Scott Lemriel has written four books about extraterrestrials intervening in human affairs from ancient times to the present. He describes shapeshifting Reptilians that played a large role in manipulating human affairs and a benevolent extraterrestrial organization called the “Galactic Inter-dimensional Alliance of Free Worlds”. He claims that all negative extraterrestrials left our planet and solar system 25 years ago due to the arrival of the Galactic Alliance and the appearance of golden pyramids out of higher dimensions. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Lemriel discusses his extraterrestrial-related experiences that began in childhood and continue to the present day. He discusses how the appearance of the golden pyramids has been a game changer on Earth and led to the departure of negative extraterrestrials, thereby guaranteeing that humanity is on a single timeline to ascension. Scott Lemriel's website is: https://www.ParallelTime.com --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
Jun 4
1 hr 9 min
Egyptian Gods, Tall Grays, Reptilians and Space Pirates
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 1, 2024  Topics Ancient Egyptian Gods were Extraterrestrials According to leading QHHT practitioner It's the 25th anniversary of The Thirteenth Floor. Ancient Gods & ETs Among Us Today – The Exopolitical Implications - New Webinar - June 15, 2024. A transcript of an interview a 25-year CIA agent gave a couple of years ago about his contact with Mantid/Tall Gray ET is now available. The evidence of ancient Reptilian species walking and living among humanity spans multiple national cultures. Col Karl Nell on the reality of non-human intelligence visiting Earth and interacting with humanity. Extraterrestrial Contact in Washington and Hawaii A forensic image expert has conducted a frame-by-frame analysis of the 2023 Las Vegas alien sighting & concluded the tall beings are genuine. Only a few months to go before GSIC-2024 - JP will be appearing as a presenter. Total signatories to Artemis Accords rises to 42 with Peru & Slovakia joining. First Annual Space Piracy Conference Scheduled for February 2025 Congressman Robert Garcia is offering 3 UFO amendments to the NDAA for 2025. These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/michaelsalla --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
Jun 1
33 min
Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Washington and Hawaii
James Gilliland has spent 40 years promoting Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECETI) protocols through his ranch at Mt Adams Washington. He and many visitors to the ECETI Ranch have experienced direct contact with extraterrestrials, ascended masters, celestials, Inner Earth beings, and many other entities. In addition, he and visitors have taken thousands of pictures and videos of UFOs around Mt Adams, and also at his new ranch on the Big Island of Hawaii. In his second Exopolitics Today interview, Gilliland discusses what motivated him to establish ECETI and what his contact protocols mean today. He discusses a sample of the photos and videos taken at his two ranches. Gilliland explains the many challenges confronting humanity today, the incredible help we are receiving from highly evolved extraterrestrial visitors, and why he feels it’s only a matter of time before we enter a new positive age where our human potential can thrive. James Gilliland’s website is: https://www.eceti.org/ --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
May 30
1 hr 4 min
Ancient Egyptian Gods were Extraterrestrials According to leading QHHT practitioner
Suzanne Spooner discusses startling information about Ancient Egypt, Gods, and extraterrestrials she has received from thousands of clients in her Quantum Healing Hypnoses Technique (QHHT) practice. She concludes that the Egyptian gods were, in fact, extraterrestrials visiting humanity from different star systems with the intent of helping human evolution. Spooner believes that the pyramids were built by off-world visitors such as Thoth (aka Jehuti) who designed them for several complimentary functions, including human ascension. In her second Expolitics Interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Spooner discusses her recent Egypt Tour in which he participated and the implications of her QHHT data in understanding the true role of extraterrestrials in human history. Furthermore, she discusses the role of space arks in assisting with past planetary contingencies and what lies ahead for humanity as we enter into uncertain times. Finally, she discusses the important role being played by Donald Trump in awakening humanity despite his many personal character flaws. Suzanne Spooner’s website is: suzannespooner.com --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exopoliticstoday/support
May 27
56 min
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