Energized with Dr. Mariza Podcast
Energized with Dr. Mariza
Dr. Mariza Snyder
Energized with Dr. Mariza
Dr. Mariza Snyder
Energized host and bestselling author Dr. Mariza Snyder puts the power back in your hands so that you can age powerfully and live life to the fullest. Get ready to navigate your hormone and metabolic journey with wisdom and grace throughout your forties and beyond.  Each episode will leave you feeling empowered with the knowledge of how your body actually works by providing root-cause explanations for the symptoms you’re facing (with a side of real talk) along with proven, research-driven solutions to reset your metabolism, fatigue, and hormones. In each information-packed episode, you will discover solutions designed to reclaim your energy and aliveness so that you can feel ENERGIZED in your body and become the CEO of your health.  Visit www.drmariza.com for hundreds of free recipes and resources, plus game-changing programs, products, and incredible support designed to optimize your metabolism, energy, and brain function as you powerfully navigate the second half of your life.   This podcast was formerly named "Essentially You with Dr. Mariza".
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Available episodes
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Latest episode
3 days ago
September 6
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