As the show comes to a close Lego is joined by Impetus for a massive interview with the original hosts Mercules & Kyt Kutcha!TIMESTAMPS:0:00 - Intro and Bungie Interview Guests 7:35 - Working at Bungie 14:20 - Destiny PvE Weapon Tuning 33:33 - Whetstone Exotic Mission 53:53 - Bungie QA 1:08:00 - Destiny PvP Weapon TuningSHOW NOTES: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/15c3x1g/massive_breakdown_of_the_bungie_interview_part_1/BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/massivebreakdownpodcastPVE POD: https://pve-podcast-versus-enemies.captivate.fm/listenSTAR WARS POD: https://beneath-twin-suns.captivate.fm/listenCHAT SERVER: https://discord.gg/TheyfeQHOME PAGE: https://destinymassivebreakdowns.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCi3pvTA17HLRaow-K3U5wEditing and Post Production by Nettie Smith.
Jul 28, 2023
2 hr 10 min

Saint Kabr joins Legoleflash to dive into perks that work great for both PvE and PvP. Lego also announces that Podcast vs Enemies will be the new flagship podcast for DMB and explains why the current Destiny Massive Breakdowns podcast is closing down. Stay tuned for one final episode.BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/massivebreakdownpodcastPVE POD: https://pve-podcast-versus-enemies.captivate.fm/listenSTAR WARS POD: https://beneath-twin-suns.captivate.fm/listenCHAT SERVER: https://discord.gg/TheyfeQHOME PAGE: https://destinymassivebreakdowns.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCi3pvTA17HLRaow-K3U5wEditing and Post Production by Nettie Smith.
Jul 2, 2023
1 hr 49 min

The war on Titans may continue, but Lego and Physics also breakdown the weapons from Trials of Osiris, Competitive, and the Nightfall for Season of the Deep. The Messenger Pulse Rifle, Unexpected Resurgence Glaive, Mercurial Overreach Sniper, and the Loaded Question Fusion Rifle.TIME STAMPSIntro Meta Discussion 10mNew Perk Details 59mWeapon Breakdowns 1h 5mBECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/massivebreakdownpodcastPVE POD: https://pve-podcast-versus-enemies.captivate.fm/listenSTAR WARS POD: https://beneath-twin-suns.captivate.fm/listenCHAT SERVER: https://discord.gg/TheyfeQHOME PAGE: https://destinymassivebreakdowns.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCi3pvTA17HLRaow-K3U5wEditing and Post Production by Nettie Smith.
Jun 17, 2023
2 hr 21 min

Tony and Lego take the plunge into season of the deep. First up are the random drops from crucible, vanguard, and gambit. Bonus coverage on the new iron banner weapons!BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/massivebreakdownpodcastPVE POD: https://pve-podcast-versus-enemies.captivate.fm/listenSTAR WARS POD: https://beneath-twin-suns.captivate.fm/listenCHAT SERVER: https://discord.gg/TheyfeQHOME PAGE: https://destinymassivebreakdowns.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCi3pvTA17HLRaow-K3U5wEditing and Post Production by Nettie Smith.
Jun 3, 2023
2 hr 18 min

Legoleflash is a bit under the weather this week and getting some much needed rest, but that doesn't mean illPhysics wasn't cookin' on this one as he brought in guest host and resident Coneman, Drewsky! Join us as Tony and Drew journey pretty far down the rabbit hole and explore many of the big changes coming in the next two seasons along with Drew's thoughts on radar manipulation coming to Strand hunter next season and what build will likely take the crown from arc titan as the most effective close quarters aggro kit! BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/massivebreakdownpodcastPVE POD: https://pve-podcast-versus-enemies.captivate.fm/listenSTAR WARS POD: https://beneath-twin-suns.captivate.fm/listenCHAT SERVER: https://discord.gg/TheyfeQHOME PAGE: https://destinymassivebreakdowns.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCi3pvTA17HLRaow-K3U5wDREWSKY: https://www.youtube.com/@drewskyschannelEditing and Post Production by Nettie Smith.
May 20, 2023
2 hr 37 min

Legoleflash and IllPhysics talk PvP for all the Lightfall World Drop weapons, along with what you're looking for on The Title SMG and the Taraxippos Scout Rifle from Guardian Games. Oh, and a huge breakdown of everything coming to Trials of Osiris and our abilities sandbox in Destiny 2 Season 21! Nothing big at all!BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/massivebreakdownpodcastPVE POD: https://pve-podcast-versus-enemies.captivate.fm/listenSTAR WARS POD: https://beneath-twin-suns.captivate.fm/listenCHAT SERVER: https://discord.gg/TheyfeQHOME PAGE: https://destinymassivebreakdowns.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCi3pvTA17HLRaow-K3U5wEditing and Post Production by Nettie Smith.
May 7, 2023
3 hr 25 min

How to craft every Season of Defiance weapon in Destiny 2. Is Astral Horizon even worth chasing? Lego raves about 1,000 RPM auto rifles, and Tony tells ghost stories about Counterbalance and Full Choke.BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/massivebreakdownpodcastPVE POD: https://pve-podcast-versus-enemies.captivate.fm/listenSTAR WARS POD: https://beneath-twin-suns.captivate.fm/listenCHAT SERVER: https://discord.gg/TheyfeQHOME PAGE: https://destinymassivebreakdowns.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCi3pvTA17HLRaow-K3U5wEditing and Post Production by Nettie Smith.
Apr 22, 2023
3 hr 20 min

This week Tony and Lego deep dive the Neomuna weapons from Destiny 2 Lightfall. Tons of playstyles to craft for, a few to RNG for, and one very important rapid-fire fusion buff!BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/massivebreakdownpodcastPVE POD: https://pve-podcast-versus-enemies.captivate.fm/listenSTAR WARS POD: https://beneath-twin-suns.captivate.fm/listenCHAT SERVER: https://discord.gg/TheyfeQHOME PAGE: https://destinymassivebreakdowns.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCi3pvTA17HLRaow-K3U5wEditing and Post Production by Nettie Smith.
Apr 8, 2023
3 hr 11 min

This week Tony and Lego breakdown the new and revamped Trials of Osiris weapons for Destiny 2 Season 20, and they don’t stop there! This episode also includes all the updated iron banner perks to look for, along with a deep dive into the massive crucible blog post by Bungie. This one is thick!BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/massivebreakdownpodcastPVE POD: https://pve-podcast-versus-enemies.captivate.fm/listenSTAR WARS POD: https://beneath-twin-suns.captivate.fm/listenCHAT SERVER: https://discord.gg/TheyfeQHOME PAGE: https://destinymassivebreakdowns.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCi3pvTA17HLRaow-K3U5wEditing and Post Production by Nettie Smith.
Mar 25, 2023
3 hr 10 min

First impressions of Lightfall, all new subclasses, new weapons, AND a whole new mod system. Lego and Physics have a lot to break down in this first episode of DMB with Strand in our hands!BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/massivebreakdownpodcastPVE POD: https://pve-podcast-versus-enemies.captivate.fm/listenSTAR WARS POD: https://beneath-twin-suns.captivate.fm/listenCHAT SERVER: https://discord.gg/TheyfeQHOME PAGE: https://destinymassivebreakdowns.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCi3pvTA17HLRaow-K3U5wEditing and Post Production by Nettie Smith.
Mar 11, 2023
2 hr 44 min
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