Creative Yarn Entrepreneur Show Podcast
Creative Yarn Entrepreneur Show
Marie Segares
Creative Yarn Entrepreneur Show
Marie Segares
In each episode of the Creative Yarn Entrepreneur Show, you’ll find great ideas for launching, managing, and evolving your indie yarn-related business, and tips for keeping yourself creative, productive, and sane. Share the unique joys and challenges of being an indie in the yarn industry, whether you’re a crochet or knitting author, blogger, designer, maker, podcaster, publisher, teacher, or tech editor; a yarn dyer or spinner; or the owner of any other indie business based around yarn. Topics include marketing, social media, pricing, negotiating with vendors and clients, balancing family/personal life or other jobs with your indie yarn craft business, working from home, authenticity, staying creative, dealing with customers, juggling different roles to create different income streams, collaborating with independent contractors, the solopreneur lifestyle, trade shows, selling online and monetizing your website or blog, building a community of fans, and more. Hosted by Marie Segares, small business consultant and the crochet & knitting blogger, designer, and teacher behind Underground Crafter. For more details, visit
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 25 days
Latest episode
8 years ago
November 13, 2016
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