Champions of the Earth
Champions of the Earth
Champions of the Earth
Champions of the Earth
Champions of the Earth
Five disaster teens find themselves the accidental wielders of elemental power suits and mecha steeds while charged with defending the earth... but their own messy lives threaten to be a bigger threat than robot kaiju, desiccated zombies, fae warriors, or a bigger menace from within. A fusion of tabletop RPG and radio drama, CHAMPIONS OF THE EARTH features an original game system and stars veteran streamers, comics pros, and indie game designers in a fast-paced high-production value sonic adventure stretching from the halls of high school to enchanted taverns to the dark side of the moon. Part of the Nerdsmith Network. #WeAreNerdsmith Learn more at or on twitter at @champsionscast, and join the adventure!
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 72 days
Latest episode
4 years ago
April 2, 2020
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