Calm The Bleep Down Meditation & Mindfulness Podcast

Calm The Bleep Down Meditation & Mindfulness

Calm The Bleep Down is a podcast discussing the benefits and adventures that come from a daily practice of meditation. Check out our video podcasts, classes, and Merch at Watch the video version on
Abundance of Gratitude - Meditation
In the day to day grind of our life, it is very easy to loose sight of things we are grateful for. The truth is that no matter how bad things are, no matter the struggle, there is still room for gratitude. Through gratitude comes joy and joy is the path to being in love with our life. One breath at a time.
Dec 22, 2023
20 min
Sitting in Silence - Meditation
When we sit down to meditate, we are trying to get to a place of stillness, calm, and silence to easier place ourselves in the present moment. In the present moment, we gain clarity and balance and one way into that place of calm is silence. This meditation hopes to assist the meditator to get to that place. Listen to the silence. One breath at a time.
Dec 18, 2023
14 min
Believing in Possibility - Meditation
So often, in our lives, we get bogged down in the negative thinking so much that we can convince ourselves that nothing good will ever happen, the the only thing possible is disappointment. This is because over time we have convinced ourselves to only believe in the negative. But there is another side of possibility and in there lies all the hope and good we can see in our live. The only thing that changes is what we choose to believe in. This meditation hopes to help the meditator shift their focus into the possibility of good.
Dec 15, 2023
20 min
The Gap - Meditation
In between stimulus and response, there is a space. There is a space to be found in between our thoughts. There is a space between inhale and exhale. We call this place The Gap. The gap is where we feel present and aware. Not thinking, not worrying, just absorbing and observing, just living in that space of pure conscious awareness. This meditation aims to help the meditator find their way into that space through practice of breath.
Dec 11, 2023
16 min
Creating A Better Future - Meditation
So many times we find ourselves getting stuck in negative and unproductive thought patterns. If we aren't careful or mindful of this, we could easily sink further and further into despair. Meditation can help us reset our minds and recalibrate our day just by taking a few moments to ourselves to watch our breath. One breath at a time.
Dec 8, 2023
16 min
Regaining Balance - Meditation
As we go through our daily life we have things happen to us and it can be hard to remember that the things that happen to us do not have to define us. What matters most is not what happens to us but how we respond to what happens to us. This meditation aims to help the meditator return to balance. One breath at a time.
Dec 4, 2023
17 min
Observing Thought - Meditation
When we meditate, over time, we learn to observe our thoughts and not to get swept away by them. This meditation hopes to help the meditator re-center, re-balance into the present moment through breath.
Dec 1, 2023
19 min
Awareness - Meditation
When we talk about meditation, very often we say things like "awareness" or "consciousness" and we can very easily brush past what any of those things mean or feel like. This meditation hopes to help the meditator become more familiar with our true self, the part of us deep down inside that is just witnessing and observing our thoughts and feelings through out our day through active listening.
Nov 27, 2023
19 min
Moving Past Disappointment - Meditation
The saying goes "Expectation leads to disappointment, which leads to suffering". Yes but how do we deal with those feelings? How do we push past those complicated emotions because it is hard to go through life without becoming attached to the things we care about most? Breath, my friend. It is through the breath. One breath at a time.
Nov 24, 2023
19 min
Relax - Meditation
When we find time to relax, we also find a deeper way into the present moment. This meditation hopes to help you get to a relaxed state where there is not time, place, or thing, just pure consciousness and pure awareness observing through breath. One breath at a time.
Nov 20, 2023
15 min
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