Breaking Walls
Breaking Walls
James Scully
via Podcasts
Enchanted with Context
The historical context provided enhances the shows so much. We’re very lucky to have someone doing research for us to level up not only our listening experience but also our understanding of history.
Background music
Could do with out the loud music during the narration, it’s distracting. Otherwise, I really enjoy it.
Iowa Flight Design
Love it when they break down the fourth wall!
I can getOTR from any number of sources but I love the background interviews on this podcast.
A Treasure for OTR fans
Old Time Radio behind the scenes archive!!! This is gold! A compilation of interviews with stars, producers & directors, and pertinent portions of radio shows. It is not only entertaining and well crafted, but it’s an invaluable historical record. Everyone interviewed has been gone for so long; their genius is back on display. I am so impressed and loving it!!!
Long podcasts the best…
…the longer podcasts, I.e. over an hour, some as long as a couple hours, are really the best way to spend some of my time with my iPod. My old time radio hobby addiction can only be treated in this manner. Keep up the absolutely wonderful work producing these programs. Thank you very much.
Wonderful stuff!
Love this podcast. The research put into each episode is astounding. Look forward to each new edition & looking forward to the new format. Thanks!
Dennis from MD
I Really Like This
I’m Guessing You’re Around My Age Or Maybe A Little Younger 36 But This Wonderful Show About The History Of Radio Is Wonderful To Listen To And Like You I’m So Thankful To My Grandparents For Sharing The Old Time Radio Shows They’ve Passed On Now But When I Need Them To Feel Close By I Just Listen To You Or An Old Time Radio Show Unfortunately Neither One Of Them Lived To Hear Your Wonderfully Educational Program I’ve Learned More About Some Of My Favorite Radio Actors Than I Ever Would Have Been Able To find On My Own Thank You Very Much
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Earl From NY
Look forward to all these shows.
Thanks for your program
Great OTR podcast
I have really enjoyed listening to all the interviews and clips of OTR casts.. So neat to hear the behind the scenes info..
This is an excellent podcast. I love hearing old radio people talk about the medium, and the research that goes into each episode is truly impressive.
Konfeta Matson
Continues to be a favorite.
A lot of work goes into this podcast and I learn so much from it. The creator throws a lot of bonus teaser goodies out too between his main broadcast.
Great Podcast
This is the beat researched interezting and informative podcast I have ever heard. Usually there is either a problwm with the research in an interesring podcast or a well researched podcast sounds like a textbook recital or worse, a straigjt read from wikipedia. This podcast has taught me a lot while being entertaining at the same time. I have recommended this podcast to people who have zero interest in the history of radio and all have reported back with amazed interest. This is stellar work and ia mandatory liatening
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Great variety
Very entertaining mix of radio shows with good curation and well-researched commentary. Highly recommended!
Elian Kaz
The range of content intrigues me: from a two minute episode consisting of an interview snippet to full episodes of OTR programs. It’s always a welcome surprise.
Good stuff...
...for fans of old-time radio.
The best
Great behind us
zombie creep 61
Giving the apogee of Western Culture it's due
Perhaps a tiny step into hyperbole but not by much, this is fine and important work. It is also a seemingly perfect balance between history and entertainment in the way it moves from interviews to the actual show recordings to historical information.
Very Good Show
I really enjoy this podcast. I learn a lot and it is very I’m entertaining.
This excellent podcast explores pretty much the entire panoply of radio history, from its beginnings through it’s heyday. For example, I just finished listening to the history of Fred Allen’s entire career. This episode included in-person interviews with Fred, extended clips of some of his radio shows, and warm remembrances from the people who knew and worked with him. I’ve always wanted to know more about the life of this wonderful comedian. Fred Allen truly was a giant of a talent and a true gentleman. And that was just one episode. The podcast crew does a terrific job of stitching together all the snippets and have a great running history commentary in between. If you want to steep yourself in the warm glow of the Age of Radio, do yourself a favor and listen to Breaking Walls.
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One of the most important undertakings ever!
This is such an amazing podcast! Tracing the entire history of old time radio, and doing it with music and sound effects and interviews, making a full audio documentary is the greatest thing! I have not been this excited about something in years!
The blind singer
Enriching backstory to old time Radio
What a wonderful and enriching way of learning about the back story of old time Radio for the generation that came AFTER the generation of radio! I have discovered the old time radio program back in the 80's when my dad brought a case of old time radio shows. Now that we have the internet ... and this brilliant thing that we call podcasting .... I have found many old time radio podcast hosted by my generation .... and the generation that came after mine. I'm very happy and enriched to have found James Scully's podcast "Breaking Walls" because I can tell, and truly feel his deep love for the radio program that came before tv .... it's so nice that he takes his personal time to put together a very detailed epsiodes of not just explaining the old time radio programs ... but to allow the people whom have acted, direacted, put together the programs to tell us the listners (the generations whom came after the last radio program aired to the massives) about radio programming. It is also so nice to see that with podcasting now we are getting not only the old time radio shows back in our ear buds ... but NEW radio program shows that honor the old time radio programs coming our way.
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Well Researched and Entertaining
Such great podcasts. Enjoying the old time radio episodes. I was always interested in the back stories of all this. You put it all together in an easy to listen to format. So great.
A Wonderful Podcast
I’ve been a fan of old time radio since 1994. Over the years, I’ve listened to thousands of radio dramas and comedies. The Wallbreakers is an excellent addendum to these shows because Scully puts together well-edited and informative podcast episodes that put the medium of radio in a technical and social context. I always look forward to new episodes. Very worthwhile to new and old fans of OTR.
great podcast about otr
Keep up the Great work. Love history of old time radio.
old time radio buffotr buff
The Story of Old Time Radio
The WallBreakers Podcast is a must listen for all old time radio enthusiasts. Nowhere else will you find pieces about the major figures of the medium that are as thoroughly researched as what you'll find on this podcast. I consider myself something of a connoisseur but with each listen I learn something new and fascinating. Definitely give it a listen!
Super Fascinating Stories!
This is one of my favorite podcasts! It's a great subject, the history of American radio broadcasting, and James presents the history in a series of engaging stories, including sound design and clips of original or recreated interviews, that give you strong context to understand the influences of American history on the development of radio and visa versa. If you love history, you HAVE to listen to this podcast!!!
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Educational, entertaining, and time well spent!
This is a great podcast! I enjoy the crafted blend of history, sound effects, music, and radio drama. 👍🏻
5 stars
Insightful and inspiring
Truly Inspiring
The Wall Breakers is informative, intriguing and inspiring for artists and those who are appreciative of the arts. Wherever your passions may lie, the Wall Breakers podcast will breathe a new life into your work. Highly recommend subscribing! :)
Inspiring and Informative
The Wallbreakers aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to find and share what it takes to make some major breakthroughs in your career and your life. I thought it was super inspiring to hear some of the interviews with professionals who have been through trials and tribulations and are happy to pass on that wisdom to others. Looking forward to more great podcasts! This is definitely one to follow.
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Good to Great with Boatloads of Potential
I really love that this podcast centers around real-life people with real-life experiences. We can all take something from that. This is just the beginning. You can see how strong this podcast series will become over time. Keep going guys! You’re doing a fantastic job! #TheWallBreakers
Worth it!
I love that James takes the time to pick guests that have something to share that can be applicable in REAL LIFE. The Wall Breakers as a whole is truly smart and dynamic! I look forward to all the content they share with us all.
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