The Mini to Mighty Show
The Mini to Mighty Show
Kathryn Nash
via Podcasts
No thanks
What a twät. She even sounds like a trollop. I wonder how many middle eastern dudes have paid her for a weekend on their yacht.
Smooth d tickle
Your show is amazing
Not sure if you’ll get this message. But I just wanted to say I love your show . I have been going through a lot here lately. And wen I listen and hear you . I just feel my spirits left up . I love your voice . Keep doing your thing . I hope to hear more of you
100/10 recommend :)
randomly found her on instagram and listen to some of these episodes on here. IM AMAZED!! now i’m listening to all of the past episodes and plan on listening to all the future ones. she’s on fire👍💕
I am a hugeeee fan of your podcast and I want to thank you for sharing your wisdom!! I do have one question that I would like to understand a bit better. You talk about God a lot and how he always comes up in conversation when you’re at parties. The way I was raised I always believed alcohol was okay but drunkenness is a sin so I would like to hear your opinion on drinking as a Christian. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs obviously. Could you touch on this sometime?? Thank you!!!
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Kat is so inspirational!
I love this podcast! I recently bought Kat’s Bombshell Body Program and I’ve honestly learned SO much from it and from her! She’s so relatable and she doesn’t sugar coat anything. I feel like she’s talking directly to me when I listen to her podcasts haha love her!!
Phenomenal Inspiration!
Just a tad bit upset that I missed the awesome opportunity to get the bombshell body free by ONE DAY! But let me just say, I was recently referred to this podcast, and I have listened to EVERYTHING. From start to finish, in less than two days. The inspiration and motivation that Kat gives is just phenomenal. I have never been more inspired to get into the gym and work out like no one is watching! I love listening, and I’m waiting for notifications to hear the next episode! LOVE LOVE LOVE what you’re doing for all of us out here!
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My inspiration
I truly don’t know anyone else who has inspired me as much as you have throughout your podcast!
I love starting out my Saturday morning listening to you!!! It puts my mind right to get out of bed or off the couch and get things done!
twisted decor & more
Amazing!!!!! 💕
I just started listening to podcasts in general and noticed you had one! Your podcast is motivating and makes my day! I feel like I can connect you on a different level with my struggles at the gym! Thank you for everything ya do to help a girl out with her insecurities! 🥰
Wow! I followed her on IG but when I found out she had a podcast I just had to listen in! My favorite episode is the motivation one-I have struggled in the past with staying motivated, but visioning the analogy of treating and envisioning your body as a sculpture-a work in progress is awesome!! Great job!
Relatable, encouraging
Such a great podcast! I listen to it while I do my walk and it helps the walk seem to go faster. I feel like all the content she shares is super relatable and it’s helped me stay motivated. There is always something that sticks with me from her podcasts!
Kathryn is so inspiring! I love her podcasts and the way she brings God into them. I always leave feeling happy and empowered.
Uplifting, positive and enjoyable!
Love this podcast, great way to start the day!
So in love with this show!! I listen to each episode on my way to work and it definitely brightens my mornings! 💕
Incredible Faith & Fitness Podcast
I’ve been looking for a motivational podcast that aligns with my faith and fitness goals. Keep on producing this content! I love that some episodes and short and some are long. Thank you so much for putting all your time and energy into this podcast
Amazing and fabulous speech and motivational skills and quotes
I was like that guy who was digging that whole and when I got out and looked at my friend’s progress and I was like look at you. Your are on the wrong direction, you’re wasting your time. Be smart and use your mind. Even though, I was so fractured from inside the soul inside me always discouraged me about my ambitions and passions. Your speech made my night. I am great-full to you with your helping speech through talking and motivating and giving highly accurate impressions to people. Thank you very much.
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Kat’s podcast is great! I love her ability to give you a great visual In your mind as you listen. I love that she says some sort of quote at the beginning of the episode. And I always write them down! She’s upbeat, energetic, honest, knowledgeable, and insightful. Forever listening!
So adorable and brilliant
Love this! So authentic and such smart content! Keep them coming! Your booty growth episode was so informative and motivational! Great work, love!! Thanks👊👊
Love that you’re genuine you don’t just talk about strengths you mention your weakness and how to overcome them. Love your positivity I will definitely be listening to all your podcasts.
Just what I needed!
I always find it amazing when I find someone that puts how I’m feeling into words, and that’s exactly what happened today. I just started listening this morning, and this is something I’m easily going to be able to start every morning off with one of these podcasts! I look forward to seeing what I can take from the one I listen to tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your experiences for the greater good, and giving me a wake up call I needed. You’re a beautiful person, with a beautiful heart, and mind to match I hope you know that, and never forget! ✨
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Absolutely amazing podcast, sooo glad I found it!
One of the handful of goals I set for myself going into 2019 was to listen to a podcast at least four times a week. I am all for both mental and physical fitness, because they absolutely go hand in hand. So more and more, I am incorporating things and people who add value to my life- things and people who ENRICH and EMPOWER me. That being said, when Kat announced that she would be coming out with her own podcast last year, I was ECSTATIC. She serves to educate, encourage, and inspire others through her authenticity, and I love that we get to feel that through the growth that she is making in real time. Whether she’s sharing a quick story about something inconvenient that happened like her car breaking down, or her finally taking a leap of faith to go all in and chase her dreams by moving out to Florida to make them happen, she SPEAKS about her thought processes and how she’s making a deliberate effort to constantly take a positive spin on her circumstances and reflect on what the takeaways are from each experience. I also LOVE how much she values continued education and personal growth. Even as she has so much to offer and teach people, she understands and makes it clear that she is still a student of life and goes out of her way to up her game by investing in a business coach and going to conferences. I love how her podcast feels like a personal conversation I’m having with her, and how the little nuggets she’s putting out are actually tangible pieces of advice that can be implemented by anyone!!! She acknowledges that yes, a lot of the things she covers may sound familiar, but sometimes we all need to be reminded of little life cues because words of advice resonate with us when we need to hear it the most. So no matter what stage you’re in in life, this is such an amazing snippet to add in to your life!!! I’m already so excited to continue getting to start my mornings out with her content ☺️🙌🏽
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Life changing
I never started listening to podcasts until a little while ago because I just always thought “they aren’t my thing”. I have been following Kat for a while now and am one of her Bombshell clients. The past couple years have been a whirlwind and made me wonder what I’m supposed to do in life. I’ve switched schools for my Masters degree, had a close family friend pass away and just lost faith in myself and even God. Listening to Kat’s podcasts have made me really focus in on the past few days and think about, am I doing what I am for myself or to please others? In just a few short days, this has help changed my life. I have relieved myself of toxic friendships, invested in a new business opportunity and started to read the Bible again. I hated myself once I lost touch with how I used to be. Every morning I wake up and listen to this podcast because 1. It gives me motivation to get through the day and 2. I learn a new lesson everyday that I can implement into my life and flourish. If you’re wondering if this podcast is worth it.... IT IS 1000%, take a few minutes out of your day and I promise you won’t regret it!
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Amazing podcast worth all the time listening💗💗
Love how faith oriented the content was, very honest and truthful to self, helps others find a new and more positive perspective on how they view setbacks. Overall amazing and very motivational 😊😊
Gina Kemp
So real!
Holy moly. This is exactly what I needed to listen to. I’ve been struggling with my relationship with God. I’ve been looking at my bank account wondering how I’m going to pay rent next month. I’ve been working a job that I don’t enjoy. Yesterday, my car broke, and I was just so upset at the world. This morning, I popped on Kat’s podcast. Just what I needed. I was focusing on my problems rather than shifting my focus to the positives in my life. Kat reminds us that she is a human just like us. She provides wisdom that can be applied to my life right now. My happiness all depends on where I shift my focus, and Kat continues to encourage me in a positive way. Following her on insta is one thing, but this podcast takes it to another level where she can share much more than just a post or a workout. Thank you, Kat, for taking this leap of faith. God is using this podcast to impact lives like mine!!! 💙💙💙 I can’t wait to hear what’s next! 😊
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Truly inspiring
Lately I’ve been such in a rut not knowing what to do feeling like I’m stuck not changing... then I decided to take a listen to this podcast because I’ve been waiting anticipation to just hear her ideas, thoughts opinions... made me cry literally because of how hard it literally explains how my life is going right now and honestly how grateful it is to really have this podcast on here. I never really took the time till now. I’m changing my life around becoming a better me, getting back on track, having goals set. A plan for the life ahead. You guys stop what your doing and really listen to her podcast. I’ve listened to it over and over again because it’s just wow.
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Literally the best Podcast! So refreshing to hear words from someone who has struggled and always seeks God first in all things - even in the down times. Covering faith, fitness, financial, and a positive mindset while facing every day challenges in today’s world. Listened to all the episodes in one day - can’t wait for the next one!
Need a break from music?
I rarely listen to podcasts, but this girl has changed the game. I listen to her while I'm driving in the car ALL.THE.TIME! I even get my passengers to listen on it too haha. No complaints from anyone yet, so that's a positive! I love how she touches on topics that are relevant and things that people need to hear! So inspirational and truly a role model<3
Soul Food!
I have been blessed to know Kat since college when we would go to the same FCA groups. Words cannot describe how fortunate and honored I am to call her one of my very good friends and sisters in Christ. Seeing the way her faith and business has grown exponentially is astounding! Thank you so much for your inspiring messages that are truly just food for the soul! Love you lots girly 💕
SO amazing!
I’ve been following Kat for a while now and did her last Bombshell Body Challenge. She helped me SO much during that challenge and now she’s helping me in other aspects of my life! Her episode on gratitude really hit home for me, because it really does impact so much in your life! I have had so many different trials getting me to the point I am today: a C-17 Pilot. I am so grateful for each one of those trials and Kat really made me think about that today! Her podcast is great in the car, during cardio, while eating ice cream or a variety of snacs! :) LOVE this podcast so much and LOVE Kat! Thank you so much for spreading your wisdom and being vulnerable! Keep the episodes comin!
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Recently walked away from a terrible relationship...pregnant and holding the hand of my two year old. Staying positive oh my the struggle was/is real..but letting go of something so hurtful brought such a relief. Hearing her podcasts have been nothing short of inspirational and to be able to reach so many woman on a personal level is so important. I appreciate how down to earth she is not many people are anymore. Always keeping it real on her instagram and now hearing these podcasts has me grateful i started following her.Looking forward to bettering myself mentally and physically. Thank you so much minibutmighty!
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Motivating and REAL Talk
I have been following Kat on IG for a few months now and I was SO excited to find that she started a podcast! I follow a lot of amazing people and she is definitely one of them! She shares REAL experience and is open to be silly and honest. She is motivational and positive, overall an amazing human being. Please follow her and subscribe to her podcast, you won't regret it!
A. Freaking. Powerhouse.
Honestly, is there anything Kat can’t do? She motivates me so much through Social media and now this podcast. I’m blown away by how eloquently she speaks about god, gratitude and life. Everything she does is incredible and this podcast is no exception. Give it a listen! You will not regret it!
Love this girl!!
My life has taken some serious shifts these past couple of months & I can honestly say that Kathryn, her program, & her truly inspiring outlook on life & success has had so much to do with it. Kat you are friccin amazing & the work that you do is so powerful! I’ve been patiently waiting for this podcast drop and am SO excited it’s finally here! Just a couple episodes in & I’m already hooked! If you haven’t tuned in by now, what the heck are you waiting for?! ♥️
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3 years ago I worked out hard and got to a point where I felt amazing and secure. Life happened and I had my 2nd baby and the gym stopped, I procrastinated going back to the gym and could not find my motivation. I tried and didn’t follow through, 11 months later I decided it is time to push and not have excuses. A girlfriend of mine told me about your IG and sense I started following you I’ve been inspired. I joined your challenge and I’m pushing myself to follow through and not stop. I want to feel sexy again, proud and secure in my own body. I have felt it once and I won’t stop till I feel it again !! So thank you for giving me the push without even knowing it . I can’t wait to see what else is in store for this podcast. There’s not to many young relatable women with inspirational podcasts to listen too so I’m thrilled you decided to make one. You’re helping so many people without even knowing.
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Life Changer❤️
Man where do I even begin. This chick has literally changed my life, from fitness to business. I’ve taken some big leaps in life , chasing fear. And I can honestly say I couldn’t and wouldn’t have done any of this if I wouldn’t have came across her page. Now she has this this bomb podcast and is just killin it! If you ain’t listenin ya missin it 🤷🏻‍♀️
BEST podcast!!
So thankful I have finally found a podcast from someone so involved in health and fitness, yet the main focus of this podcast isn’t necessarily how to get shredded or lose all the weight. She literally hits on all aspects of life which shows her love for health is more than just being a healthy looking individual, but instead wanting to help people with mental health as well! Thanks for creating this, Kat!!
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An inspirational QUEEN
Kat is one of the realest influencers in the game. Before Kat’s podcasts, I had never listened to a podcast ever as I am definitely one for visuals. I used to click & listen through all her instagram stories before I even got into my fitness journey and she would just say the most motivational things. Everything she would say resonated with me so well and I am so excited she finally has a platform like this because her stories just aren’t enough lol! Her words have a way of inspiring you because you can feel her emotions and the authenticity when she talks. She is one of the most empowering women you will ever listen to, you won’t regret it!!
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I’ve followed you on Instagram for a while. I like that you show your journey instead of just where you are now. So many IG fitness people look like they are just magically that fit, it’s refreshing to see someone and hear someone talk about their struggles with the process. Keep doin what your doin girl! You rock 🖤
Allison Popovich
So good!
I find myself held back by my self doubt and insecurities, but this podcast really helped me feel empowered to step into faith and do what God has called me to do! It’s so nice hearing a fitness influencer be raw and genuine, I will be subscribing and looking forward to each episode!
Maggie Heinfeld
I’ve been following Kat on IG for a long while and am amazed on how far she’s come on her fitness entrepreneurial journey. I just listened to ALL of the podcasts she currently has posted, back to back. FREAKING WOW! Great content and helpful wisdom. I LOVE LOVE the scripture incorporated through the podcast and her living testimony. She is 120% authentic & keeps it REAL, NO unrealistic or overwhelming advice. Def recommend this to everyone who needs positive push!! Also the intro music is KILLER!!!!
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LuceDelreal 🥰
Honestly, this is the very first Podcast I’ve heard and im in looooove with Kat even more !!!! i already follow you on IG & your workouts motivate me nonstop!!!!! Your definitely a positive inspiration! Can’t wait to listen to more!💕💕💕💕
Celeste Ruby💖
Most Inspiring Person I know 💕
You are honestly such an inspiration to me. I have been following you and your journey for 3 years now, and am now going through one of your fitness programs. To know that you were once in my shoes, and to see the work you put in to a program to help people meet their fitness goals, and have done so much research to help them is so amazing. You’re such a relatable person and the fact that you’ve now made a podcast to help people grow in their faith, fitness, finances and overall mindset. You are honestly such a remarkable person, and I’m so glad I get to listen to your journey💕
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Kat’s podcast continues to empower me and enrich my life. She has been so amazing and inspiring with my health/fitness journey. I love her outlook on life and how transparent she is with her struggles. She makes a real connection with her audience and truly cares about people. I am truly grateful for her positive influence on my life.
I love your podcast! I also have scoliosis and struggle with back pain. You are so inspiring and I love your hair color!!
My fave!😍💜
Love love love Kathryn’s podcast! It’s not like other podcasts that are focused just on fitness or just on being an entrepreneur, that’s what I love! She hits all areas of life and i can tell she lies her heart and soul into this! I’m always looking froward to the next episode!
Cassidy Sieberns
Love her
She is amazing on top of being a motivational and an inspirational person! It’s so nice to see someone like me (asian) doing this dang thing!
anita gallardo
I’ve followed Kat on insta for a whole year and I knew that this podcast was gunna be absolutely amazing. Wisdom and information that you’ve heard, but coming from her is like you’re talking with one of your girls. Gotta be following this girl on all platforms because she is going places!! Let her take you there too with all the knowledge she’s going to drop on her podcasts💕
Kat is an absolute inspiration. She has been a huge influence in my fitness life and I am SO PUMPED that she has a podcast now too. Love hearing from her and learning from her perspective. Highly recommend!
Most realist and inspiring person ever!
I’ve been following Kathryn on Instagram for awhile and I fell in love with her because she keeps it real! I’ve joined her mighty tribe girls and her bombshell body challenge and let me tell you, these girls are all motivated and welcoming! Now I get to listen to Kathryn on these podcasts and they do not disappoint! She’s so genuine and real! So relatable! Can’t wait for more and more podcasts to come out!
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