The India Hicks Podcast
The India Hicks Podcast
India Hicks
The India Hicks Podcast
India Hicks
A wonderfully intimate look into the life and work of India Hicks and her extraordinary family. In Season One we’re talking Movie Stars, Matadors and Maharajas as we have tea and cake with Lady Pamela, daughter of Lord and Lady Mountbatten and of course India’s much moved mum. Now in her 90s Lady Pamela’s stories will astound you; she’s first cousins with Prince Philip, travelled the world on the famous Commonwealth tour when Princess Elizabeth became Queen, befriended everyone from Grace Kelly to Gandhi and had a front row seat as her father, the last Viceroy of India, oversaw the complicated process of partition. We ask that if you have listened to this podcast would you be so kind as to consider making a donation to The Princes Trust - a charitable organisation with which India is actively involved. Many thanks. Produced by Lisa Francesca Nand and edited by Alex George.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 36 days
Latest episode
4 years ago
July 29, 2020
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