Meathead Hippie
Meathead Hippie
Emily Schromm
#68 with Alex Swanson: How Genes Affect our Ability to Handle Stress
41 minutes Posted Aug 29, 2018 at 8:10 pm.
Alex Swanson’s Personal Background
Introducing Nutrition Genome
Genes and Stress
Avoiding Stress and Heat Therapy
Genes, Circadian Rhythm and Nighttime Techniques
Coffee and Supplements to Regulate Stress
Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.)
Boosting Serotonin
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This is taken from Part 2: ADRENAL REPAIR with the founder of NUTRITION GENOME, Alex Swanson!
Find Alex here:
Test your genes here:
Find Adrenal Repair here:
“I started looking at data files with all of these genes and began to connect the dots that I couldn’t before.”
Observing genetic pathways and linking them to how people respond to things
Looking at genetic pathways and how people are genetically different
How Alex’s initial interest in this field stemmed from his wife experiencing a horrible reaction to pharmaceutical drugs
“Through genetic testing, I was able to pinpoint exactly what happened based on her reaction to those drugs.”
Explaining the connection between genes and neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, gaba)
Describing how our genes can indicate how we will typically respond to life stressors
Explaining the hydration component to our adrenals
Finding the right heat therapy that will work best for your adrenals
A new research initiative to learn more about the melatonin pathway
Discovering sleep sensitivities - A brand new field
Explaining how caticals in caffeine can cause spike dopamine and adrenaline to spike, which has to do with your genetic pathway
Magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6 can help control our reactions to stress
Understanding our migratory routes of our ancestors
“Everything in terms of our genes in an accumulation from the things that came before us.”
How exercise, massages, eating chocolate, etc. help boost serotonin levels
The importance of vitamin D and how it relates to where you live in the world
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