Hidden Truth Show with Jim Breslo
Hidden Truth Show with Jim Breslo
Jim Breslo
Hidden Truth Show with Jim Breslo
Jim Breslo
Welcome to Hidden Truth Show with Jim Breslo, a weekly series which dives deeply into controversial and unresolved issues of our time to discover the truth, irrespective of political correctness, religion, or politics. In the new Season 2, “Transgender Movement,” we explore what it means to be transgender, ask who is really behind the movement, and question whether it is based on science or political correctness. Along the journey to find the truth, Jim interviews doctors, psychologists, theologians, politicians and leaders on both sides of the movement. In Season 1, “Las Vegas Shooter” we investigate the Las Vegas Shooting, the largest in American history. It has been many months since terror struck the Vegas strip, yet we still do not know how it was done or why. Conspiracy theories abound, but we find the truth through in-depth interviews of those closest to the truth.Website: http://hiddentruthshow.com
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 11 days
Latest episode
2 years ago
October 31, 2022
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