Empty Frames
Empty Frames
Crawlspace Media
Empty Frames
Crawlspace Media
Season 1 is about the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum heist: In the early hours of March 18th, 1990, two thieves posing as police officers were admitted into the Gardner Museum in Boston. In 81 minutes they stole 13 pieces of artwork, among the paintings stripped from their frames were works by Vermeer, Degas, and Rembrandt. Season 2 tackles other angles of art crime. We chat w/ owners of an antique store who found a famous stolen painting, we discuss a stolen da Vinci with Turbo, and we dig into Gardner heist minutia. Season 3 is back to the Gardner! Airing now on Stitcher Premium!
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 124 days
Latest episode
10 months ago
June 16, 2023
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