Charged: Stories from the Women Leading Health Care
Charged: Stories from the Women Leading Health Care
Mass General
via Podcasts
Very authentic stories!
Each woman conveys her passion and mission in her profession.
MT Nurse
These are the types of women that young people need to hear. So proud to be part of the MGH team!
Great series
Interesting and accessible health information
About time
Well articulated and engaging, highly recommended!
This is going to be good
Massachusetts General Hospital is home to some amazing women researchers, clinicians, health care professionals and business leaders and I can’t wait to hear their stories in their own words. Great idea!
Brilliant and Long Overdue!
This energetic and illuminating podcast underscores the depth and range of contributions and leadership by women in healthcare. In what has been - and often still is - a paternalistic environment in medicine, these brilliant and creative women have forged a rightfully earned place on the stage of accolades! Cheers to the motivation, energy, and long overdue work that led to this very important podcast! Strongly recommended to anyone engaged in healthcare!!
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Love these inspiring stories.
Can’t wait to hear more! :-)
Listen with your daughter
I listened with my daughter. She was reluctant at first but she became interested. THESE are the kinds of women that girls need to hear.
TC Bim