Charged: Stories from the Women Leading Health Care
Charged: Stories from the Women Leading Health Care
Mass General
Charged: Stories from the Women Leading Health Care
Mass General
How do you truly connect with others and lead with empathy? Why is heart disease different for women? What can we do to make addiction treatment more accessible and more successful? How can you maintain the balance between rising in your field and taking care of your family? Charged, a new podcast from Mass General, is devoted to answering these questions and many more. We’ll be uncovering the stories of the relentless daily pursuit to break boundaries and provide exceptional care. In each episode, you’ll hear from the passionate and talented women of Mass General, who are leading the charge on some of the most significant innovations in health care today.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 19 days
Latest episode
3 years ago
July 21, 2021
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