Confessions of a Christian Kid
Confessions of a Christian Kid
Kristofer Gray
"Exploring the Mystical side of Christianity and cutting through religion to find the True Christ." Having been born and raised in the Christian Church and Home Schooled with the Bible as my main ciriculum, I found myself an adult who was not prepared to navigate the world. After a traumatic and confusing event in my early twenties I began questioning the Christian Belief System and the Bible "Authorities" who had taught it to me. Not wanting to "Throw out the Baby Jesus with the Holy Water," I began searching the Scriptures myself with as much of an open mind as I could muster. I found many passages which painted a much different picture of God and spiritual reality than what the Christian Belief System would have me believe. This made me lose all respect for those who had so confidently taught me the "truth." I realized I had to find the Truth on my own. In this podcast, I take a raw and real look at the failures of the Christian Belief System and how I came to believe it doesn't line up with the Teachings of Christ. How an amazing Mystical Experience was the catalyst for rediscovering my desire to know God and showed me a reality beyond the 5 senses. Jesus said knowing the Truth would set us Free. What is that Truth and can we truly experience Love and Freedom in this lifetime? My strong belief is, Yes!
Two Types of People - Narcissist v. Empath
Er' body is talking about the Narcissist and the Empath online these days. Let's talk about these two types of people. Are you one or the other or are you both at different times in different situations? Consider this....
Aug 1, 2023
24 min
How to Reprogram the S#!t Out of Your Subconscious
When I sit on the toilet and that stuff comes out, do I blame others for it? No. I just flush it down and forget about it. Why not take the same attitude with mental and emotional shit? What if we all learned to recognize when our shit is about to come out and instead of throwing it at someone else I just excuse myself and take care of it in private? We are all slaves to our subconscious programming. This is the source of all our shit. Learn that reprogramming the shit out of your subconscious is not only possible, but mandatory in order to live your best life. Learn a perspective that will allow you to stop blaming others for your shit.
Feb 24, 2023
32 min
Is this the End of the World as We Know it? Ep. 14
If this really is the End of the World, what should I be doing!? Or thinking or feeling? Is this the time to put aside my personal goals and dreams and just be a good citizen? Or is this the time to finally truly allow my light to shine? What do you want to be doing at the End of the World? I know I want to be throwing the biggest party the world has ever known. Interested? Let's Go!
Feb 16, 2022
24 min
The Perfect Law of Liberty - Ep. 12
What does it look like to bring Heaven to Earth? What does it look like when our hearts and minds are firmly in the Promised Land? This is like a long form meditation/contemplation to demonstrate how Perfect Liberty, and the Law of Sowing and Reaping sprinkled with a little bit of LOVE, is actually all we need. Drop the excess weight and FREE YOUR MIND!!! Do you believe in a Heavenly Father of Unconditional Love or not? It's time to make up your mind and point yourself in the one direction where everything begins to make perfect sense.
Nov 17, 2021
1 hr 33 min
Moving from Negative to Positive - Ep. 11
In the natural universe, the flow of energy, such as the electricity in a battery, naturally flows from negative to positive. What if this is also true in the unseen spiritual realm? What if we could learn to align ourselves to this natural flow, casting off weights and resistance to allow this unseen Energy Source to power us into our own personal Promised Land?
Nov 1, 2021
39 min
Meditation Song - Written and Performed by Kristofer David Gray
Finding the Peace and Love of God through consistant daily meditation has been the biggest and most profound shift of my life. Meditation Song is an original song.
Oct 26, 2021
4 min
My Sin Nature - Ep. 10
Trying to control the sin nature with religious rules is like throwing chum in the water and being surprised when a bunch of sharks show up. "Everything not done in faith is sin." What did Paul mean with this statement? If this is true, then the only thing that I should give my attention to is developing more faith! In this episode we explore the difference between being someone who sees themselves as a sinner who as a spirit, or someone who see themselves as a spirit who has a sin nature. This perspective changes everything.
Oct 12, 2021
54 min
"The Jesus Music" Review - Ep. 9
In this exciting episode, I start crying. Tune in to find out why! Spoiler Alert: Because, not only was this documentary amazingly well done, but there was a very personal message for me from the Spirit. Either way, go see this documentary. I highly recommend it.
Oct 5, 2021
28 min
5 Signs Religion Has You - Ep. 8
The 5 Signs You may be more religious than truly spiritual are: 1. You need rules because you don't trust yourself 2. You think feeling good is bad, and feeling bad is good 3. You don't understand the significance of Love v. Fear 4. You think that God wants to punish you 5. You don't understand the True Gospel of Christ
Sep 27, 2021
43 min
Faith - Ep. 7
Belieiving in the existence of God and following the rules of the Bible such as the Ten Commandments is not enough to get you into the Promised Land. A greater understanding of faith and the application of said faith will empower us to march into our own Personal Promised Land. Personal Sovereignty without Positive Creative Faith profits nothing.
Sep 2, 2021
43 min
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