Confessions of a Christian Kid
Confessions of a Christian Kid
Kristofer Gray
via Podcasts
💗🙎‍♀️Faith -07..Believe!!
This episode provides a comprehensive idea of our beliefs. Just believing is not a greater perception of faith and the application of this faith gives us the ability to travel to our own personal promised country. And of course personal sovereignty can be gained without positive creative belief..
Fast Time And Fast Reviews
I have been listening to this amazing podcast time but i already understand this podcast is extremely informative topical. This podcast gives a crude and practical look at the failure of the Christian faith system and how we can believe that it is not consistent with the teachings of Christ.
Message from your future self
Kris, this is me from the future. I know you fought a lot of doubt to record this, but it came out good. I’m proud of you. Love, Future Kris