Disrupting Japan: Startups and Innovation in Japan
Disrupting Japan: Startups and Innovation in Japan
Tim Romero: Serial startup founder in Japan and indomitable innovator
How Japan’s evocative machines are quietly creating new startup unicorns
42 minutes Posted Jun 25, 2018 at 1:00 pm.
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Today, rather than diving deep into a specific aspect of startups in Japan, we are going to take a hard look at both what is and what is not working within the Japanese startup ecosystem as a whole.

And at the end, I'm going to answer the most common question I am asked by overseas audiences. "Where are the Japanese unicorns?"

You might already know about Japan's two existing unicorns, but I'm going to explain where the next four will be coming from.

I guarantee that it's from somewhere you would not have expected.

So let's get right to it.