A big tent containing an exciting event. A charismatic genius strategist organizing a large crowd around a common cause. An energetic, well staged display of skill and showmanship- whether oratory, athletic, aesthetic, or otherwise. An exciting and daring performance or event. A circus, a spectacle, an electric performance. Dramatically offering your perspective or skills to a large audience. The risk of presenting oneself to a community. Stepping into the limelight and causing a stir. Delusions of Grandeur, an arrogant preacher. Someone who is contentious, quarrelsome, fond of chaos or conflict. Getting a rise out of people, working a crowd, winning over hearts and minds. An arena, a church, or another venue where people gather based on shared goals or beliefs. An inspirational, evangelical, or ecstatic event. Hysteria, manipulation, and exploitation of a mob mentality. A master of ceremony, show-runner, stage manager, or military officer who has a special instinct and talent for leading successfully executed events. A con-man or a propagandist. Letting passion get the better of you, unbridled frenzy. Reckless, out of control catastrophes. Unruly, extreme behavior. A need for a structure to wild visions and emotions. Support the show
Sep 5, 2022
1 hr 37 min

Adjusting outlook, reordering perspective while moving forward to a goal. Giving voice to vision. Dream it, then do it. Constructive imagination, creative fantasy, piercing the veil to another level of reality. Becoming aware of ever present energy processes. Supernatural and intuitive images, thoughts and feelings. Seeing the invisible. Bringing spiritual or abstract insights into the everyday, magic found in routine places or activities, the power in manifesting dreams through discipline and small consistent effort. First responders and attendants, whose duty and honor are to stand by. Waiting, but ready to act at any time. One who can look beyond the form, able to read between the lines to read omens, interpret signals. Translating far out insights efficiently for practical applications. Getting in touch with nature spirits. The need to stay grounded, rooted, earthbound so as not to become unmoored and end up losing the plot. The necessity of following one’s inner voice, inner vision. Fairies, elves, trolls, leprechauns, earth spirits.Support the show
Aug 21, 2022
1 hr 51 min

Quiet reassurance. Indestructible spirit. Prophesy, good news, a message of peace and love, especially after or in the midst of hard times. Hope, salvation celebration, or deliverance. A symbol of innocence, gentleness, and affection. The inspiration, conviction, or intuition needed to endure. Eminence or celebrity. Someone who is blessed or brings blessed relief. Presenting great wisdom in a simple language versus sanctimonious self deception. Divine guidance or receiving help or protection from a guardian angel. The holy ghost. The soul. A brilliant musician with a stringed instrument or genius artist. Someone who creates security and cultivates great works through patient, slow labor. Skillfulness, great prescience and providence. Channeling, utopianism. Purity, fresh air, white light. A dove. Support the show
Aug 8, 2022
1 hr 30 min

Confrontation, challenge, litigation, argument, rivalries, contention. Competition vs. cooperation. Troubles caused by undue self-assertion. Someone compelled to fight and struggle, to rush into disputes regardless of danger. Daring bordering on recklessness. A soldier with prowess, courage and strength. A ruler, a leader, or someone who is “larger than life,” whether intellectually, morally, or physically. Someone who seeks recognition yet is simultaneously indifferent to it. Someone who uses their ingenuity to gain freedom from entanglements and problems. Identity development and emotionally charged cultural values that form an individual’s character. Conventionality faced with new initiatives. Fashions, trends, clothing, and performances that catalyze greater changes. Generation gaps, or difficult combinations of representatives from different groups. Projections, assumptions or over-generalizations about others. Support the show
Jul 24, 2022
1 hr 43 min

Digging, labor, drudgery, day in and day out. Hard work, hard decisions, hard-headed leadership. Directors, owners, generals, and other effective cold eyed leaders. Purpose, determination, duty, discipline, and tradition carrying you far but eventually breaking down. The new will eventually conquer the old. The danger of obstinately settling for obsolete, inadequate tactics or strategy. Acquiescing to the new order. Accepting defeat. Surrender. Transforming setbacks into accomplishments. Physical breakdown, yet with spiritual victory or advancement. Gracefully moving on from failure. Inner strength, grace and integrity that comes from loss. A dignity of bearing and moral integrity. De-escalation. A need to back down from a fight. Being good at losing. Non-violent solutions. Ceasefire. Ceasing to make excuses and repeat mistakes over and over. Postmortem on a failed effort without rationalizations or excuse versus an inability to learn, change or grow. Giving up is necessary to start again. Hitting your own limits. Death of a former part of life, a former title or position, or literal death.Support the show
Jul 12, 2022
1 hr 47 min

Acting a part. All the word's a stage. Dress for success, fake it till you make it, learning from examples, imitating behavior in order to participate in a loftier order. Refusing to limit oneself by class or caste barriers. A willingness to grow but also possible self-exploitation. Performing another role or personality out a sense of inferiority. Disguising one's true self, absconding oneself, self abandonment. Wanting to cover up or sublimate ones sexuality, emotions, or desires with an outer display of dignity. Muzzling the secrets about oneself or others. Being on parade, a popularity contest. Showing off, pretending to be what you're not. Substituting approval and affirmation for accomplishments. Deceiving or emotionally manipulating others. Intrigue and interference. Secrets and unacknowledged drives destroying relationships and domestic happiness. Playing hide and seek. Support the show
Jun 28, 2022
1 hr 32 min

Despair or hope. The choice between optimism or pessimism. Being your own worst enemy versus aiming for happiness and good luck. Recognizing when opportunity knocks. A positive attitude and constructive thought patterns versus self created disaster and misery. Self harm or suicide versus opening oneself to help. A sense of epic meaninglessness versus a satisfaction from small things. Cutting off a mindset, behavior, or relationship that does not serve your self interest. Looking, hoping for, or resigning oneself to catastrophe. Doomerism, negativity. Unfortunate relationships and impossibly high expectations or ambitions. Molting and mourning a past identity or way of life. Looking for the little message of happiness at home or in your everyday life. Moving on from self blame to a productive mindset. A need to stop listening to critical, elaborate philosophies or ideologies and to open your perception to buoyant messages: finding joy in the simple, practical, and immediate. Find beauty and inspiration in nature. Good luck is just around the corner. Support the show
Jun 12, 2022
1 hr 44 min

Defying gravity, risk, going against the odds. Healing journey, recovery from a crash. Excitement and exhilaration. Equilibrium needs to be regained. Rising up, sedition, heading for success after a low point. Free falls. Defying the consequences. Plunging into situations. The need to bail yourself or someone else out. Helping children, elderly, and differently abled people. Support the show
May 24, 2022
1 hr 46 min

Moving into new territory, changing surroundings. Acclimating physically and psychologically to a new environment to get your needs met. Improvisation, extemporization, working effectively under a deadline and with limited means. Resourcefulness as protection from adversity and solution to a crisis. Provisional architecture or structures of living: encampments, tents, teepees. Immigration, migration, missionaries, refugees, invasion, arriving unannounced. The disinherited, those left adrift, human flotsam. A need to move on and move out, a desire for freedom. Taking big risks, disregarding personal danger, recklessness, especially in the service of needy people who have lost all hope and have little to no bandwidth for gratitude. Contempt for the elite in society, problems arising from contesting hierarchy. Support the show
May 11, 2022
1 hr 47 min

Cohabitation, coexistence, compromise, interconnectedness. Living peacefully in close quarters with others. Intimate exchanges between people: emotional, intellectual or physical. Crowding, always considering others, no chance to be alone, a lack of privacy. Sexual desires, self indulgence, finding it impossible to resist temptation. Becoming a slave to your desires. Puritans obsessed with preventing others’ lacivious behavior. One focuses on destroying popularized evils through reform, healing work, or philanthropy. Deception or Inspiration. Adaptability and inherent creativeness, a talent for capitalizing on potentials. Can enact great plans from few resources. May go through intense inner battles to bring forth bright and original ideas. Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/zodiacdegrees)
Apr 11, 2022
2 hr 25 min
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