Zero to IPO
Zero to IPO
Zero to IPO
Most business podcasts follow a similar format: find a successful CEO and have them tell their story. This is not that show. Zero to IPO tackles real world problems with real world experience, featuring actionable advice and anecdotes from some of the world's most innovative founders. In season one, we broke down each stage of a company's growth cycle on a granular level with everyone from Parker Harris of, to Julia Hartz of Eventbrite and Marc Andreessen of Andreessen Horowitz. In season two, we're mixing up the format and hosting a fresh batch of successful founders and CEOs in conversation with new entrepreneurs whose companies have found themselves at a strategic crossroads. Every growing company faces similar challenges, but not every company talks about them. Zero to IPO is designed to give entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, and the public at large an unfiltered view into what it really takes to build a successful company — from start to IPO and beyond.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 18 days
Latest episode
4 years ago
August 6, 2020
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