Your Why: A Chapelwood Podcast Podcast

Your Why: A Chapelwood Podcast

Evan Nehring
Your Why is a podcast/video series that seeks to help the listener find their passions and purpose in life, their WHY. We do this by bringing in organizations to talk through their WHY behind serving people in need. This discussion involves topics such as; What are their Organizations why for starting? How does the Organization operate?, What does the Organization do?, What are the interviewees why for serving?, and How do we find our own why?
Why does the church provide community for refugees?
In this epsiode of Your Why, Evan Nehring sits down with Hannah Quillin the Executive Director of Houston Welcomes Refugees. They discuss Hannah's personal story to working with refugees and she shares personal stories of impact she has seen in Houston Welcomes Refugees. To learn more about Houston Welcomes Refugees you can go to
Oct 8, 2021
15 min
Why are there Afghan Refugees in Houston?
In the season 5 premiere of Your Why Evan Nehring sits down with Hannah Quillin the Executive Director of Houston Welcomes Refugees. They discuss what is going on with the Afghan Refugees, how it is impacting Houston, and how you can help!  To learn more about Houston Welcomes Refugees you can go to
Oct 1, 2021
13 min
Why does Serving Ministries at Chapelwood exist? (Season 4 Finale)
(01:04)In the season 4 finale of Your why Evan Nehring and Suzanne Harter have an open discussion about Serving Ministries at Chapelwood. What is Serving Ministries? How many different organizations do Serving Ministries work with? Why as a church do we need this to exist? All these questions are discussed and more on the season 4 finale of the podcast! Get a personal look into Serving ministries and how it is changing lives in the church, around the city, and throughout the world  To stay up to date with Serving Ministries go to 
Jun 30, 2021
45 min
Why does VBS affect all that are involved?
(00:56)Intro with Evan Nehring and Children's Pastor, L.M. Wilson. They discuss what are the most important things in their life and preview the talk about VBS. (02:58) What is VBS? How does VBS get planned? Why are we as a church called to be involved in children's lives? All these questions are discussed and more when Lynn Ludeke joins the podcast! Get a personal look into VBS and how it is changing all the different people who are involved with it! (22:18) Outro with Evan Nehring and L.M. Wilson. They discuss their takeaways from their discussion about VBS. L.M. then calls all of us to pray and potentially volunteer with VBS. To find out more information about VBS go to
Jun 16, 2021
25 min
Why do churches need to build bridges?
(00:54)Intro with Evan Nehring and founder of Project Curate, Matt Russell. They discuss what makes them hate a person on sight and preview the talk about Project Curate. (04:37) What is Project Curate? How do you bridge divides? Why are we as a church called to bridge those divides? All these questions are discussed and more when Claudia Crane joins the podcast! Get a personal look into Project Curate and how it is helping churches bring unity to a divided world! (26:50) Outro with Evan Nehring and Matt Russell. They discuss their takeaways from their discussion about Project Curate. Matt then calls all of us to spend time where we are not in our comfort zone and truly get to know people who are not like us. To find out more information about Project Curate go to
Jun 2, 2021
30 min
Why is there real impact in creative arts classes?
(00:52)Intro with Evan Nehring and co-founder of Iconoclast Artist, Marlon Lizama. They discuss fashion, business attire tips, and preview the talk about Iconoclast Artist. (04:59) What is Iconoclast Artist? How do we make a real impact in youth lives? Why are creative arts a part of the solution? All these questions are discussed and more when Iconoclast artist Xach Blunt joins the podcast! Get a personal look into Iconoclast Artist and how it is changing lives by making true impact! (43:06) Outro with Evan Nehring and Marlon Lizama. They discuss their takeaways from their discussion about Iconoclast Artist. Marlon then encourages all of us to write out and explore YOUR OWN STORY! If you want, send it to [email protected] or [email protected]. To find out more information about Iconoclas Artist or buy one of their anthologies go to
May 19, 2021
47 min
Why do we need to create belonging for people with special needs in the church?
(00:58)Intro with Evan Nehring and Karen Enamorado. They discuss if the happiest days of their lives and preview the talk about Circle of Friends. (03:23) What is Circle of Friends? How does special needs ministry work at Chapewlood? Why is there a special needs ministry at Chapelwood? All these questions are discussed and more when long-time Circle of Friends volunteer Steve joins the podcast! Get a personal look into the special needs ministry and how it is changing lives by creating a sense of belonging! (40:45) Outro with Evan Nehring and Karen Enamorado. They discuss their takeaways from their discussion about Circle of Friends and how it impacts all who are involved. The conversation then moves to how volunteering impacts both the people being served and the volunteers! To find out more information about the special needs ministry at Chapelwood go to
May 5, 2021
47 min
How can shopping serve those in need?
(01:05)Intro with Evan Nehring and Nicole Nehring. They discuss if they could change one thing what would it be? and preview the talk about Spring Thing. (4:29) What is Spring Thing? How did Spring Thing get started? Who all is served and impacted by Spring Thing? All these questions are discussed and more when long-time Spring Thing volunteers Diana Bates and Betsy Humphery join the podcast! Get a personal look into Spring Thing and how it is changing lives! Find out WHY THEY NEED YOU to go shop at Spring Thing to change the world. (30:11) Outro with Evan Nehring and Nicole Nehring. They discuss their takeaways from their discussion about Spring Thing and how it impacts all who are involved. The conversation then moves to how everyone should listen and follow where God is nudging you! To find out more information about Spring Thing go to
Apr 21, 2021
36 min
Why does SUMMIT exist?
(01:09)Intro with Evan Nehring, Josef Klam, and Sarah Barnett. They discuss the best gifts given, the theme for the new season of Your Why, and why serving in the church is so important. (13:40) What is SUMMIT? How did Summit get started? What is the why to continue running SUMMIT? All these questions are discussed and more when long-time SUMMIT volunteer Patrick Richard joins the podcast! Get a personal look into the most inward parts of SUMMIT and how it all gets planned, works, and runs! Find out WHY THEY NEED YOU to make SUMMIT work. (67:22) Outro with Evan Nehring, Josef Klam, and Sarah Barnett. They discuss their takeaways from their discussion about SUMMIT and how it impacts all who are involved. The conversation then moves to how and why everyone should be serving in some capacity.  To volunteer or find out more information about SUMMIT go to
Apr 7, 2021
1 hr 17 min
Why do kids in Spring Branch need mentors?
(00:40)Intro with Evan Nehring and Josef Klam. They reflect on what filming the last epsiode of Season 2 was like before the pandemic. (07:13) Why?, How?, and What? behind Spring Spirit. (26:47) Laura Smith and Said Perez discuss their personal Why and story behind working for Spring Spirit. (47:01) Outro with Evan Nehring and Josef Klam. They discuss and encourage you the listen to find your own dreams in life and follow them. (56:17) End credit teaser for season 4 of Your Why. Thanks to Geoff Woods and Ruby Pesina for helping make this podcast behind the cameras and mics. To volunteer or find out more information got: or 
Jan 26, 2021
58 min
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