You Can't Eat the Sunshine
You Can't Eat the Sunshine
via Podcasts
come back!!!!!!!!
please come back i miss you guys so much :( please
All the stories in the city of angels
Super interesting podcast on LA lore, beautiful buildings, and the bureaucracy that governs it all.
can this be better than being there?
My first read as a five year old was about La Brea... then came Kevin Starr (a few decades later) ... now these eclectic podcasts. Fascinating!
Rare both in the sense of uncommonly pertinent and in the sense of meaty. These two form a synthesis of informative entertainment oriented toward empowering listeners to act in their city’s interest. A friggin plus.
No thanks
Although I agree with everything they say, I find the sarcastic and angered delivery of the criticism intolerable to get through. You can hear the annoyance on the other host’s voice which is trying to move the podcast along, to no avail.
The essential Los Angeles Podcast
As a British transplant, living in the historic core of DTLA, discovering Kim and Richard has helped me put down roots in a city I love. The mix of news, history and interviews makes this the essential podcast for Angelinos and honorary Angelinos, alike! Thank you for continuing to raise awareness on the built heritage, the arts scene and preserving the city's cultural artifacts in a truly engaging and hugely entertaining way.
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Hard to listen to despite love of subject
I live for this type of info but the constant bickering, interruptions, tangents, and repetition in this podcast drive me up the wall. It could be wonderful with a MUCH tighter format. And for the love of all that is holy, lose that horrendously annoying theme song.
Great subject matter, flawed execution
Let me start by saying that I find most of the Los Angeles history and culture that Kim and Richard present on this podcast fascinating. So the substance of the podcast is solid. But I have a hard time listening to Richard's voice (something about his vocal quality grates on me, like I can hear all the spit bubbles in his mouth popping when he talks) and his interviewing style is extremely annoying. Here's an example of the kind of question Richard asks an interviewee, "First talk about [x] and tell us how that ties into [x] and then bring it back around to our first topic by touching on [z] before finally giving us some insights on how that relates to [abc]." Please, Richard, for the sake of your listeners and interviewees, improve your interview style by prepping your interviewee first and asking them a single question at a time. Learn how to LEAD your subject along the path of topics you want to go down, don't dictate to them what you want them to talk about. And stop being in such a rush ("We don't have time for that") and interrupting them when they get a little off topic. Just edit out the audio you don't want to use. Or let Kim do a few interviews for a change. Also, the theme song contains the most twee, cloying, pitched-up manic-pixie vocals over eye-rolling ukelele replete with "bouncing" timpani intro. I absolutely can't stand it. They play it twice you know. Once at the beginning of the show, and again at the end as if to taunt me with its horribleness. I usually fast-forward past the first 25 minutes or so, until they get to the interviews when the interesting stuff is discussed. Then after the interviews are over, I skip the rest, avoiding the dreaded reprise of the theme song. In summary 1) Ditch the theme song. Seriously. 2) Richard, bone up on interviewing style and etiquette. 3) Let Kim do an interview sometimes. That would go a long way to allowing me to listen to the whole podcast and not just skip to the meaty interview portions. The interesting people who Richard interviews are the only things keeping me from unsubscribing from You Can't Eat the Sunshine.
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This is my tenth nickname
Neat stuff
Most of the subject matter is very interesting. I like learning things about my city. If there is something that does't quite resonate with me, I simply fast forward. And that brings me to the is just me or is the intro rather forced? And long. Other than that, I look forward to more off the beaten path stuff.
Good stuff
Interesting and good, these are two words I would use to describe this show. I like to listen to this show at my dead-end job. Many interesting things are covered on this show, plus I like to imagine that the two hosts are secretly humping. Wonderful!
Meow someone
Southland Tales
A great sonic resource for helping Angeleños appreciate all that is unique in their environs--from the famous to the obscure, and across epochs and cultures.
Best Los Angeles podcast period
Everything you need to know about LA and LA County history, past, present, and future. You can tell how these two really love and know the place beyond the clichés.
Learn something nifty every time
I love learning the odd esoteric bits of SoCal trivia and history that Kim and Richard offer.
A fun tour of LA history
The podcast is almost as fun as taking one of Kim and Richard's bus tours. They do a great job digging up the hidden side of Los Angeles history.
Chris in Phoenix