X-2 Drop: A Yu-Gi-Oh! Discussion PODCAST
X-2 Drop: A Yu-Gi-Oh! Discussion PODCAST
BINGOhhh HD & The Duel Factory
via Podcasts
Yu gi oh
You should talk about the dark magician and harpie lady
Good job
Love you guys yall touch on alot stuff i could never explain keep it up
I just got my first yu-go-ho pack today
ummm where is the explicit language warning.
Can't listen to the YUGIOH podcast with my daughter in the room, no thanks. Can't speak an intelligent sentence without f bombs, no thanks. It really stinks that YUGIOH podcasters think they need to use adult language to be "edgy". Gross. Put up the E warning so people don't get their hopes up that they might get to listen to a halfway intelligent podcast, without garbage language.
Douglas French has no wife
Weaboo Chad
Joe’s Audio
You guys talk on really great points and the show has potential, I just hate hearing half of a conversation. Dude needs new internet and mic. He’s really good at responding. When you can’t hear him it makes it really difficult to follow the conversation.
But Douglas French still has no sauce
Brotherhood gaming
Wow! I’m shocked by how great this podcast is I’ve never seen better for Yu-Gi-Oh! Keep it up but I would like a video discussing like one deck that’s semi-competitive ( shaddoll, nekroz, ignition assault decks, etc) those would be cool podcasts that I would love to hear! Keep it up guys!
comedy critic07
Yu-Gi-Oh! Ban list
Hey what’s this new ban list that’s coming up for all the extra deck and I’ve been playing Yu-Gi-Oh! For 5 years from now
Clark J.R.