Although he shot down only 9 enemy planes, Hans-Ulrich Rudel was definitely one of the greatest German combat pilots. However, he is not as widely-known as Erich Hartmann or Adolf Galland, most likely because he was not a fighter pilot but a “Stuka” dive bomber pilot.
German Field Marshall Ferdinand Schörner famously claimed that, “Rudel alone is worth an entire division!”
Jan 10, 2020
1 min

Some people say that 13 is an unlucky number. Surely, soldiers of the 4th County of London Yeomanry regiment would agree because at exactly on June 13, 1944; they were smashed into dust by ... a single Tiger tank, under the command of Michael Wittmann!
Apr 13, 2019
3 min

Shortly after Great Britain declared war on Nazi Germany, Fritz Lemp, commander of german submarine U-30 made a ghastly mistake. He attacked and sunk passenger liner with over 1400 passengers on board. Germans had done everything they could possibly, do to cover it up!
Apr 8, 2019
5 min